Peanuts side rails


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I had tommy build me a set of rails for my 1100 but didn't think about my rear screen clearance when I sent him the measurements. So I have a set of rails for sale if any member that wants a heavy set of rails for an rtv without rear screen.


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For being such nice siderails why dont you just make a few modification cuts on the back of them and adjust to fit your machine.The alteration wold be very easy to do.All you would have to do is re weld the back parts back in place.If memory serves me right it only neens to be moved back just a few inches to clear the back glass.Everyone knows someone with a welder.
200.00 shipping included. I paid 200. Plus 56.00 shipping. If interested let me know asap. I dropped them off at local shop to have them cut down to fit my rtv. They said it would be a couple days until they got to it
My wife reminded me that I'm not working right now and won't be for the next couple of months so I'm going to have to pass. They do look very nice and I'd like to have a set...
They are made to last the 1' corner post are solid .they weight 43 lbs.i could make a headache rack to bolt on to them to replace the rear window screen.
New guy here that just bought an x1100. If 71ss opts to keep his, would you be interested in making me a set with the headache rack? I was just thinking same height as the side rails. I have looked at other options and they are not even in the same ballpark size and quality wise.

Thanks, Bob
They are absolutely high quality. Unfortunately the bed dimensions on the x models are different. This is my 3rd set of rails from tommy. His work is amazing
New guy here that just bought an x1100. If 71ss opts to keep his, would you be interested in making me a set with the headache rack? I was just thinking same height as the side rails. I have looked at other options and they are not even in the same ballpark size and quality wise.

Thanks, Bob

Sure pm me
Looks to me like Kubota would have set the bed back few more inches and the front post could have been straight and the rear screen option would not have been in the way. Or maybe designed the rear screen and mounts a little different. IMG_0178.jpg
