partsfor yanmar tractor ym273

Welcome to the Forum, Kathy! :tiphat:

Glad you found us!

My tractors are Orange so I won't be much help.

Some of our Yanmar guys should be along soon.

Mark777 discussed using the wix filter cross reference in this post along with a link to the chart.

Again, Welcome!

If I remember right the YM273 is one of the odd models that is a 3 digit gray market tractor. There were some YM173's, YM270's and YM273's. Most 3 digit YM's are domestic models like California's YM240. But unfortunately, not yours. They are old, old models and may be hard to find parts for. If you have filter numbers that are currently on the tractor, you might try to cross that number with the wix site and have some luck.

edit.............welcome to NTT
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Welcome Kathy!~

And Oh My…Yes, OhioTC18 is correct, it’s a very (VERY) rare gray market model that only a hand full were ever imported.

I’m sorry to say that I have no general specifications for your tractor or cross reference #’s that would help solve the consumables mystery. My best guess wouldn’t even be close. You might try these dealers and parts suppliers who may have something current about your model…and maybe help you out:

256-773-9951 Fredricks Equipment Inc. - (

Len Sheaffer - Sheaffer town and country tractor -

Good luck and please let us know if any of this helps.

Kathy, welcome!

I don't know what parts fit it. But here's a thought, FWIW: Does that have a compression release? One important difference among lookalike oil filters (from a reputable brand) is whether it contains a drainback valve to hold the cannister full after you shut down. But when starting, if you always spin the engine using the compression release until the oil light goes out, then that drainback valve is irrelevant and any lookalike filter should work fine. Just match the threads and gasket.

Yanmar uses 1064 (small) and 1334 (larger) filters on many models. These are near universal for Honda, and widely used on Subaru, Toyota etc so every store has one. NAPA filters are re-labelled Wix filters (excellent!) so I suggest a NAPA 51334.

Here's a thread where I compared air filters that Yanmar used in the 1970's. Hopefully your 173 uses one of these.
Note that the air filter is special and only a Yanmar specialist (or possible a Deere dealer) will have the filters pictured in that thread.

It sounds like you want to put that unit in service right now today. Like Mark said, it might be a good idea to talk to Fredricks and Len and get the correct parts, first.

Here's an old thread that covered near everything. It might answer some of your questions. (Or suggest more questions!)
I don't have a parts book for the YM273. I do have one for the YM270, but I don't know how close they are. If it doesn't use the same filters as later tractors, they probably are not available from Yanmar.