Options other than $1250 glass windshield


Well-known member
Whatever you do, don't try to get one from Ray Shatzer of Ray's Windshields. I tried that a couple years ago and it took over 4 months to get my money back. What a POS. I *think* he's out of business now but just in case he's not.

I posted this on TBN three times and it was censored out (or the thread locked) all three times. One other person posted almost the exact same experience I had (before they locked the thread). Why TBN insists on protecting scam artists like that POS Ray Shatzer is beyond me.

Let's hope NTT doesn't.

He may be a paid vender for them.But in the end I like my option and it has been great for over 5 years with no issues at all.And easily replaceable if anything ever happens to it.Just give him measurements for the glass he cuts it and I can install it right here in my garage.Its stupid simple and easy to do..


Well-known member
This is me speaking.

A top of some sort is a necessity.

A windshield is only considerable if most of the use time is running down the road.

Afterall, machine only goes 25mph. :)


New member
Are you aware that Kubota has two different Glass windshields for the X900? Laminated is the $1,200 one; Tempered is just under $800. This is getting the "Versacab" pieces.


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