Ome of the nicest things about the internet is the easy/ready access to information. Anyone willing to spend a few minutes can discover that Fram filters are listed amongst the WORST in quality of construction and number of failures due to cheap materials and poor quality by-pass valves.
WalMart's "SuperTech" filters are higher quality than Fram and priced much lower. (Not suggesting them for your Kubota, just writing what I have personally observed.... I cut open filters when I remove them.)
I use aftermarket filters on some equipment and even on my expensive pickup truck and have run many many miles more than the average person …(I keep vehicles until they are either wrecked or obsolete and cannot find parts...I'm not a fashion or fad slave.... ask my wife.)
But on my Kubotas… I use Kubota filters and fluids not only for peace of mind but also because their items are only a fraction more expensive than the bargain-basement stuff and aren't likely to get changed every month or two like my other stuff. (Imagine the $11/gal SuperTech oil and $2.50 SuperTech filters that ran my '92 Jeep Cherokees and '05 Grand Cherokees more than 300K miles EACH (no kidding) before both being rear-ended by texting drivers. (also absolutely true...maybe I should quit stopping for puppies in the least with texting drivers behind me. State Farm actually charged ME with the accident in which I was rear-ended.j….'nother story...) But the $6/qt Castrol and KN/etc. filters my brother insists upon are thou$and$ of his dollars down the drain comparatively and literally over the life of the equipt. (Then he trades them-in every 5 years.... Even if his reasoning is correct … WHO is he saving the equipt FOR? the next owner?
Anyway, Kubotas get Kubota stuff. I need them too much.
Whatever your choice,... change fluid and filters BOTH…. and OFTEN. (Example: My truck says every 7500 miles but I do it every 5K. And don't forget the air filters. Your equipt uses more air than fluid.)
Whew! Got long-winded. Sorry.