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A friend, who purchased his RTV 900 a few months ago, asked me a question....,,,, Did my RTV make a small different noise when I engage the front end in gear ( 4 WD ) ? It's not a grinding noise, not a poping noise, it's just alight humming noise ~~~~ ,,,,, I told him I never have noticed it >>> </P>

So today, when I went hunting, I heard the same sound that he was talking about also on my machine. Asked my wife has she noticed it, and she said it's always sounded like that when we put it in four wheel drive ....... </P>

<FONT color=#ff0000><FONT size=6>[:mad:]</FONT> WELL CRAP ~~~ , HE'S DONE GOT ME PARANOID !!!! </FONT>>>>>>> I am asking everyone on this forum, does yours sound different when ya'll engage your front in gear and a rollingalong >>>> ???</P>


And also, I just noticed today that my parking brake light isn't working .... Going to have to check it out tomorrow >>>>>></P>


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Hi TwoGuns, I have indeed noticed a little different noise when I'm in 4WD. I haven't been concerned because I associated it with the extra motion going on. I can usually remember when I'm in 4WD because of the hum.I will usually pull over to the side and change out of 4wd when I get on the blacktop because of this hum I now have 1822 hrs on the old Hoss and have yet to have any issues with this.Now on the parking light issue . My first switch went out under warranty. Feb 05 buy date. The rubber covering had come off the switch and water and such had gotten in there. It has long gone out again and I see the same thing happening. That rubber cap just won't hold up on mine.The light goes and comes, Good Luck. Seems like I remember needing an allen wrench to take the side plastic off .Bordercollie[&][&]


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I never really noticed a noise but will listen for it next time I engage it.

For the parking brake light, check the connection to the light behind the dash first as that check takes about 30 seconds. And bordercollies is correct, an allen wrench to remove the side plastic will be required.


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Thanks bordercollie, </P>

You are probobly right about the extra motion going on .... Like I said, I really never noticed it till someone else brought it up... It just like a little " Hum * Hum * Humming noise rolling sound when in motion..... It might not be nothing at all but what you said !!!! </P>

D&D Farm

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Hey...........I recently had a thread on here about the parking light...............I just opened up the "lips" that the brake goes up and down it.......the switch is right there.....yes, the rubber that goes over it looked pretty shot.............sprayed carb cleaner down into it.......worked it a few times.......began to work just fine......sprayed WD40 on it to relube the area that the carb cleaner cleaned a bit to good............and a week later it's still glowing strong............Dennis


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HI two guns my 1100 has 37 hours on it I hear that little noise you are talking about when you put in 4wd. </P>


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Thanks bobcat , I feeling a little better >>>>>>>>>></P>

<FONT color=#ff0000 size=6>ANYBODY ELSE ?</FONT></P>


Two Guns, Mine makes a little extra noise in 4 wheel drive, I attribute it to " machinery working". but I have developed a rattle in the front drive shaft AT IDLE. If I put my hand on it it stops. I have the updated drive shaft but i'm probably looking at a early replacement. jdh1


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<TD style="VERTICAL-ALIGN: top">
<DIV id=_ctl0__ctl1_bcr_PostForm___Reply>jdh1, </DIV>
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<DIV> Thanks much for the Reply ~~~</DIV>
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<DIV> ********* jamie </DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>