Newbie here


Just wanted to say hi.
I live in SE Louisiana, I have a 1946 9N, a 1998 Massey Ferguson 1020 Hydro, and a Husqvarna 2448. I have 3 acres of grass to maintain, a 1/4 acre pond and a 63 year old wife of 45 years. I'm not sure which one is the most work.
Glad to be here. I love old iron of any kind.
Hi Halffasst! Glad you found us. :thumb:
I used to have an 8N and loved it. If I had the cash I'd buy another one just to play with. :D
Sounds like a nice place you have there, and a nice wife that put up with you for 45 years. :applause: :tiphat: :D :yankchain:
Enjoy and post often! :thumb:
Welcome to NTT Haffasst!

I had a MF 1020 (geared) but sold it as I had too many tractors :(...

Look forward to future posts and pictures of your place and equipment.

Welcome to the Forum Haffasst! :tiphat:

I had a MF 1020 (geared) but sold it as I had too many tractors :(...

DON'T LISTEN TO MARK! You NEVER have enough tractors! :eek:

If you ever begin to think you have too many, send the excess to me.

Hi there Haffasst...glad you joined us.

Look forward to your posts.......and pictures.
And Welcome To NTT. As you can see these guys can help you with any problem at all with your tractor! I can help answer any attachment need you may have!
