Newb Questions

I have LED lights everywhere and keep adding more LOL


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If you're only getting 17 MPH, something isn't right. It could be previous owner didn't use Kubota tranny fluid (Super UDT). I'd consider a tranny fluid and filter change and see if that increases performance. If it doesn't, something else isn't right.

Since you don't really get snow, you can put your lights overhead or lower like Keifer showed in his pic.
If you're only getting 17 MPH, something isn't right. It could be previous owner didn't use Kubota tranny fluid (Super UDT). I'd consider a tranny fluid and filter change and see if that increases performance. If it doesn't, something else isn't right.

Since you don't really get snow, you can put your lights overhead or lower like Keifer showed in his pic.

yea something isn't right. it ought to go near 25.
Thanks Aurhoritus...I had heard as you are saying 25-27. Disapointing since the machine is a 2016, not an old clunker. Hoping I didn't buy something with major issues.
probably just need to adjust the HST linkage. mine was a little doggy but not as bad as yours until i adjusted the linkage.
Thanks for the advice Authoritis...will look into how to adjust the HST linkage.

I had the floorboards spray lined. The guy who did it told me I had some dirt underneath. So, I pulled the covers. Wow! Hoped this might be part of the problem...found several inches of dirt, live ant beds, growing grass etc under the front and dirt and a plastic bag under the rear cover. Dug it all out and then spray washed both and sprayed Fluid Film. No affect on performance.

Tried to attach before and after pics. Hope they post.


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While I am in here today...anyone have recommendations on a rattle can spray paint for the gray? I have scrubbing up a few little rust spots, treating and wanted to make look nicer.
If you don't go with Kubota grey paint, I found the Rustoleum hammered grey to be pretty close.
Definitely going with the Kubora gray. Thanks for the confirmation. Will use it to touch up spots on the RTV and my tractor.

Tractor is late 90's B2710. Initially thought it would be older (Kubota Orange 1), but now reading Kubota may have switched to Orange 2 in about 1989, so maybe I need the newer orange. I may run to the dealer this afternoon for the above recommended fuel filter and will see what paint they have.
The dealer had the orange when I went by this afternoon. Ordered a couple cans of gray for touching up RTV and my tractor from Amazon. Will do touch up on both this weekend.

Also got a couple fuel filters for the RTV. Hoping changing it out will help with the performance issue. Looked up a couple threads here on NetTractorTalk on adjusting the HST linkage...wasn't real clear after, but did read them about 0300! Really hoping to solve this issue before moving on!

Thanks for all the good advice guys.