well I can honestly say the Plow will cut your plow time in half.I have the Bubots with the standard curtis plow which i just fized after creacking the frame after 10 plus years of using it.The plate that locks the plow in one direction finally failed so I got tired of re welding it and just cut the plate out and re welded a new plate in.NO with that being said ive used both the Kubots and the David Brown 990 with front loader on it and a 8 foor wide bucket and the kibota will plow out hings in half the time the big tractor will.The only time i Use the 990 tractor is under a very wet heavy snow to keep some of the load off the Kubots but in the end i still have to use the Kubota to clean things up and the Tractor just dosnt do a neat job but is nice to have when conditions are just to extreem for the Kubota.Were supposed to get 4 to 7 inches of wet heavy snow tonight so my hopes of winter being almost done was shattered with todays weather forcast.Have a wonderful day and keep safe and Liberal free...