New RTV 1100 with Mattracks Owner

<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">What a great day yesterday!! </P>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">I met Greg, from <SPAN style="COLOR: purple"></SPAN> <SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"></SPAN>at the parking lot 9 miles out of town on our snowmobile. We unloaded the RTV 1100 and headed into town. The snow was pretty deep & heavy 2 feet or so on the road with a lot of deep ruts and the RTV just started climbing the hill 5,000 to 8,200 in about 5 miles. We passed a Land Rover with chains that was stuck in the deep snow with no problem. I averaged around 8 mph in Medium range with 4x4 and about 200 lbs in the back, 400 in the cab. The slowest in the deep snow & steepest part of the road was 7 mph. The heat worked great and we even turned on the air conditioner and only lost ½ to 1 mph. Once we got to town we signed and completed all the paper work then stopped at Bearclaw Bakery to grab a bite (Thanks Terry & Bob for the great lunch) to eat before we headed back out to the parking lot to drop Greg off. On the hard pack in town we got up to 20 mph in high gear about 7,600 feet. Once I dropped Greg off I had to take the belt off the snowmobile so I pulled up to it with RTV and turned on the front work lights. (Let there be light – man they are nice) On the ride back into town I was towing my 2 person snowmobile or should I say dragging it with no problem, it didn’t even affect my speed at all.</P>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">This morning we were very busy with orders that came in yesterday while I was playing, (I mean working), so we had tons of trash; the RTV had room to spare. It was only 20 above but she started right up without being plugged in. The cage that Heart Mountain Farm Supply made for us works great. I will report more and get some better pictures after I get a little more time with it. Here is a link to some morepictures <FONT color=#800080></FONT></P>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p></P>


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<FONT color=#ff0000 size=5>NOW THAT IS A MACHINE !!!!</FONT> </P>


Awesome! I wish we got enough snow around here to justify that!


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I'm really pleased to hear it's working for you. Honestly, I was holding my breath for a long time on your machine. The tracks, coupled with your altitude had me nervous about the power. I can breathe now that I hear it's doing fine.

OK, I looked at your other pics. You're new RTV is covered with snow. Are you keeping it outside?
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">I haven’t tried but I think it will be too tall with the tracks to get inside the garage door.[:D]</P>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">My dealer said they are testing a super charger and will have it out for the 1100 soon. I think it would help getting more air and maybe a little more speed on the hill & if something goes wrong with the supercharger it will still run like stock not like a turbo. They said it is a lot easier to put on and not as expensive as the turbo.</P>


Steve .............That is the Badest RTV I have ever seen! Please keep filling us in, as time goes by. </P>

Ron.............Northern Michigan</P>


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If it's to high, don't go up with the roof, dig down in the earth. Makethe RTV a spider-hole >>>></P>

I can see you now, bailing out of the hole like a mad-spider, facing the world with them new feet !!!!</P>

Just a Funin' around >>>>>></P>

We are all so proud for you, enjoy and play ( i mean work ) safe !!!!!</P>



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I saw this posted on the Polaris Ranger Club Forum:</P>

<SPAN class=spnMessageText id=msg><FONT face=Verdana size=2>"My dealer's technician told me that if you run tracks and are carrying, pushing, or towing a heavy load do not turn sharp. He said he just rebuilt one that completely tore up the drive train system. He said for a sharp turn take it out of 4x4, and even better to go into 1-wheel drive. He said things could be rewired to accommodate but didn't explain that. Just thought I would pass it along for what its worth."</FONT></SPAN></P>

<SPAN class=spnMessageText></SPAN></P>

<SPAN class=spnMessageText><FONT face=Verdana size=2>Don't know which tracks or if it would be the same for a Kubota but it might be worth asking about!</FONT></SPAN></P>



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One great thing Kubota has, is has the turn-limit stops, which don't let a person turn to sharp.</P>

But I can see where they are coming from ~~~~</P>



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[quote user="ccsinclair"]<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt;">I haven’t tried but I think it will be too tall with the tracks to get inside the garage door[/quote]</p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt;">We need to talk...</p>
<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt;">You can't leave it outside. With one like yours, I think it's a law. You need the capability of pulling it out for "shock-and-awe" purposes. I'll pay for the materials for it to have a building/shelter (you pay the shipping to get it to you) so it has a home.
<FONT size=5>WHAT A RIG!!!!!</FONT></P>

Thanks for posting the photos. Post more of it working and doing every day things. How does it feel to have that and heat, too?</P>

I wish we had more snow in southern Illinois. We just received the winter edition of Yellowstone Today yesterday. I see "only two roads are plowed-between the North Entrance and Cooke City" and the other one. You live is a very interesting place.</P>

Good luck and keep us posted.</P>



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Steve, </P>

They look great. Heres a picture of mine today playing in Vermont. Nothing like havingtracks on a RTV!</P>


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[quote user="ccsinclair"]
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">I haven’t tried but I think it will be too tall with the tracks to get inside the garage door.[:D]</P>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">My dealer said they are testing a super charger and will have it out for the 1100 soon. I think it would help getting more air and maybe a little more speed on the hill & if something goes wrong with the supercharger it will still run like stock not like a turbo. They said it is a lot easier to put on and not as expensive as the turbo.</P>


I have a 8' high garage door and mine just fits.</P>


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I'm seeing something I like on the RTV, the aluminum step under the door ,,,, does that thing come with the Mattracks, or should I say, I have yet seen any on these down here. </P>

I would like to have a step like that on my RTV ... From the picture, looks like some sort of splash guard of some sort also ..... please tell me about it ~~~~ and where may I get a set >>> </P>

Or is it one of them things where you purchase the steps, and they give you the Mattracks free ?</P>


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/cs/Themes/default/images/user_IsOffline.gif <FONT color=#ff0000 size=5>culater</FONT> </P>

Need to pick you up a stright 1-1/4 receiver from either Wal-mart, hardware, or automotive store.</P>

Put you a shackle in the receiver,install it into the frontspace for such, and will give you somewhere to safely hang your winch hook to keep it from dragging, and also give you somewhere to tie to when the time comes ~~~~</P>


New member
[quote user="TWO GUNS"]

I'm seeing something I like on the RTV, the aluminum step under the door ,,,, does that thing come with the Mattracks, or should I say, I have yet seen any on these down here. </P>

I would like to have a step like that on my RTV ... From the picture, looks like some sort of splash guard of some sort also ..... please tell me about it ~~~~ and where may I get a set >>> </P>

Or is it one of them things where you purchase the steps, and they give you the Mattracks free ?</P>


They are aluminum and come standard with the M3 Mattracks. It doubles as a step and fender for the wider tracks.</P>
Nice Looking Machine!!!
What's your average speed in the snow & altitude? </P>

I took two more pictures and a small movie clip on the way to town yesterday.
Not mybest worktaking pictures or movies but I have been real busy getting ready for the winter season. I will keep updating the page link above.</P>

Thanks everyone for all the nice comments & support!!<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p></P>



New member
[quote user="ccsinclair"]

Nice Looking Machine!!!
What's your average speed in the snow & altitude? </P>

I took two more pictures and a small movie clip on the way to town yesterday.
Not mybest worktaking pictures or movies but I have been real busy getting ready for the winter season. I will keep updating the page link above.</P>

Thanks everyone for all the nice comments & support!!<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p></P>



I'm at around2,500' asl so no hp loss due to altitude. Average speed is around 12 mph in med range. With tracks its not how fast you get there its how you get there.</P>
That is about how fast I am in medium on flat. Wasn't sure if I was loosing any hp at 8,000 feet. I due blow some smoke when I head up the road and the snow is sticky. Just wondering if I had more air (Turbo or Supercarger) would make any difference. I don't want to over work the engine if I don't have too. </P></P>