new guy again!

FireJake wote:
I don't know what is worse hot humid or a lot of snow?
They are both fun if you have a CAB. :yum: :yum: :yum:

FireJake Welcome to a great tractor site.

I wonder where the :starbucks: member has gone lately. Could Jay have sent so much :snow: he can't get to his computer?
greenmtns, looks like a good investment for the winter months which as you know is most of the year. As the saying goes we have 4th of July then winter! bdoss, your right hard to shovel humid when it is hot. Mowing that much is just as much a chore. I mistakingly mention the :starbucks: fellow from eastern Ma as western Ma,:sorry: but maybe he is under snow as well.
Guess I will have another cup of:starbucks: myself and contemplate SPRING! and different seat time! Thanks all, Dennis

Good to see another Massey Ferguson owner/enthusiast here. Those of us with superior tractor selecting skills have to keep up the efforts to let the rest of these folks know just how great they are!:cool:

In any event, hope you enjoy this site. It's all about being friendly and neighborly. Not your typical internet website I assure you. :rolleyes:

Good to see another Massey Ferguson owner/enthusiast here. Those of us with superior tractor selecting skills have to keep up the efforts to let the rest of these folks know just how great they are!:cool:

In any event, hope you enjoy this site. It's all about being friendly and neighborly. Not your typical internet website I assure you. :rolleyes:

Oh yeah :sorry: I forgot to warn you of the Southern Group. They seem to think we New Englanders have frozen brain cells. See how quickly he tries to draw you in with talk of red MF tractors. :yum: :yum: :yum: But we know we are Cool, very Cool :cool:

Sit back, relax, and have a :starbucks:. You live here in the winter and you earned it.
I don't know what is worse hot humid or a lot of snow? Less shoveling in hot humid. Dennis

hot humid is worse - in the cold I can put on insulated bibs, gloves, hat, and a coat.
but hot/humid? - there's a limit as to how much I'm willing to take off and still be on a tractor. I bet that seatbelt would chafe if given half a chance! not to mention can you imagine brush hogging in the buff?!? :eek:
and there are no ticks or chiggers hiding in a snow bank!

we hit 71 Saturday afternoon, it was 60 at noon yesterday, then the front came through and I had to chip 1 1/2" of ice out of the dog food bowls this morning.
Oh yeah :sorry: I forgot to warn you of the Southern Group. They seem to think we New Englanders have frozen brain cells. See how quickly he tries to draw you in with talk of red MF tractors. :yum: :yum: :yum: But we know we are Cool, very Cool :cool:

Sit back, relax, and have a :starbucks:. You live here in the winter and you earned it.

Now now... First, in order to think y'all had frozen brain cells, I'd have to alter my view and think y'all actually had a BRAIN.:yum: Bunch'a dang YANKEE's anyway......:pat:
Now now... First, in order to think y'all had frozen brain cells, I'd have to alter my view and think y'all actually had a BRAIN.:yum: Bunch'a dang YANKEE's anyway......:pat:

just remember, DC is SOUTH of the Mason-Dixon line, so I wouldn't throw around too many comments about "brainless" yankees...
That's what I like about this site, you never know what is going to come out of it. Ayuh! :yum: Don't mean to start another civil war but cool is cool and hot is hot. I guess snow up to my butt is better than inescapable heat and bugs and snakes. I remember fighting fires in Fla in 98 with snakes and banana spiders and such! :eek: I don't mind them but prefer not to have to worry about them. :letitsnow: NOT! I can wait til next year. Can you tell I have what we call cabin fever up hear. Happens every March! :pat: In the mean time at least I am not alone with my MF that I always wanted. Now to convince you know who to get an older model for fun. JD is also high on the list, my son has one in VT a 4320 with FEL, winch, chipper, plow, boy do we have fun when we get together in NH or VT. Ice predicted tonight oh well:rolleyes: time for another:starbucks: and back to work. Thanks all be safe Dennis.
Don't mean to start another civil war

Don't worry about us and a civil war. We really have a lot of respect for each other. We poke and prod but it always in fun. :respect: :respect:

And most importantly we support each other when needed. Thats what makes this site so great. :tiphat:

PS: FWJ KNOWS I have a great Yankee brain. He just has a hard time admitting it.:yum::yum::yum::yum::yum:

Don't worry about us and a civil war. We really have a lot of respect for each other. We poke and prod but it always in fun. :respect: :respect:

And most importantly we support each other when needed. Thats what makes this site so great. :tiphat:

PS: FWJ KNOWS I have a great Yankee brain. He just has a hard time admitting it.:yum::yum:

All things are relative. "A great yankee brain" as compared to "an average yankee brain"....? Well, draw your own conclusions troops:rolleyes: :yum: :yum: :yum: ,:yum: and:yum:
:tiphat: That's what I like about this site goooood!!! fun! Glad I'm here.:wave: As for yankee brains, didn't it all start up here before the go west young go west movement?:yum:
Ok, late to another party as I am not spending as much time here as I used to. I hate it when work gets in the way... If Dougster is looking I want to point out what has happened here WITHOUT his help... Oh yeah.. welcome....

And Erik.... what are you doing this weekend? We are coming to Topeka for a show all weekend so....
Ok, late to another party as I am not spending as much time here as I used to. I hate it when work gets in the way... If Dougster is looking I want to point out what has happened here WITHOUT his help... Oh yeah.. welcome....

And Erik.... what are you doing this weekend? We are coming to Topeka for a show all weekend so....

Yeah...BUT, don't become TOO popular or the MODERATORS will THUMP you...:rolleyes:
a bit confused by the whole situation.. I wonder how many people HAVE been thumped....:confused:
I'm probably the center of this 'tempest in a teapot' so hopefully this will settle things down.

Someone posted pure, unrelated, nonsense into a thread I started. I feared this would escalate into a complete hijack and my topic would be buried in the avalanche as I have seen happen to some other threads.

I sent the following to the poster, making clear I was speaking for myself as a poster and not the board overall:

NTT is a big world and there's plenty of room for your style, a friendly banter among friends. But alongside that there are other interest groups, in my case an interest in helping other owners of these rare US-version orphan Yanmars. I encourage you to share whatever you want with your friends but I hope you will do so in the general conversation forums.
That's the smoking gun, the whole story. There isn't anything else going on here, at least that I'm aware of.

I want NTT to be a friendly place where everyone can find a niche they enjoy. I hope we continue to grow, and attract diverse styles. I hope my own resisting being stepped on, described above, is understood in the very limited scope I intended.
I think it would be appropriate to point out that since this site opened to my knowledge nobody, with the exception of spammers, has been blocked from posting and no posts, except spam, have been deleted without request or consent from the original poster.
There isnt anyone who isnt welcome from posting on this site.
I'm not quite sure where you are coming from Paul? You are welcome to share any concerns by PMing Doc or any other moderator/admin.

Sorry to jump all over your thread Jake.
Welcome to the site :D
Good explanation CA, and thanks Mith for further clarifying.

1st. Dennis: for everyones benefit, ease to find later, and search engine indexing I'm going to move your question to it's own thread. It's a darn good questions and others will want to see the answer, but in the middle of the new guy thread it will confuse some. If you click on the Forum name, IE: General Operating then you will see a button saying 'New Thread'. Click that and you can start a new thread with any new questions you might have.

2. Like CA and Mith said, no one, I repeat, NO ONE has ever been 'thumped' by a moderator.

okay enough of that I hope back to our tractor talk.