New Ads, after 1st post


Staff member
GOLD Patron
It's all my fault.
I have contracted with a company to put the ads there in hopes of helping pay the costs for the site. Donations are great and I sure appreciate all who do donate but there are not enough of you. I understand money can be hard to come by.

By putting ads after the first post this gives all those lurkers a chance to support the site by clicking on an ad once in awhile. We get a lot of clicks here a month thanks to your all's interesting posts. Now we can generate revenue via these ads to help pay the bills.

I hope you understand and do not mind.

Fineby me. Not near as bad as some other places.

There's two rows of ads here. I think only one on FF???
I'm asking that they back it down to one row, and a row at the bottom of most pages. Nothing ike the pain in the rear ad we had stuck at the bottom last month. I will not accept that. I have a 30 day trial. Either side can cancel.
Hey do what you gotta do.

Some people think anything on the internet is free but revenue has to come from somewhere or its unsustainable.

No complaints here.
I guess I'm one of the cheapskates, lol, but the way you have the add is fine with me. Hope it all works out well for you. I do enjoy this forum, thanks...
Don't feel bad Harry. I do not want any member feeling bad. Posts help make this forum what it is. All you who post help make others want to come here and click on what has been posted.
So, in other words, it takes posts and money o make this place run. Both are required. No posts no need for money as ISP costs would be minimal. The posts are the reason we need the funds. And that is a good thing. In the long run I hope we all get used to the ads and they help pay the bills.

Thanks for understanding. So post away. :D
As a small business owner in America. I get the need for revenue/cash flow. And as someone who donated and encouraged others to donate. I'm feeling the guilt and depression of still having ads to deal with. But considering the way our country is headed. Might as well get use to paying for others to benefit from our hard work. At least NTT provides some ROI.

God bless America

Best regards to all.

