Need livestock trailer for alpacas


New member
We are looking for a small, livestock trailer that we can use to haul 3-4 alpacas (about 150lbs each) and some show equipment (fence panels, feed, small products). It will have to be pulled by an SUV, so must be bumper-pull. We've heard that aluminum is best, but are not sure.

Any recommendations as to make/model? Any used units available?

Eric and Patricia
Welcome to the forum.

Approximately where are you located? (Recommending a used trailer that's half way across the country won't do you any good). Craigslist may give you some results.

Aluminum is nice but last I looked were a lot more expensive. Aluminum will last longer though. You didn't mention the tow capability of your SUV but in general, stock trailers are pretty heavy so unless you have a good towing capacity on your SUV, you may need to lean towards all aluminum.

If you go with a used one, give it a thorough inspection with particular attention to the undercarriage. A friend of mine had one that was only about 10 years old before one of the axles completely rotted off.

As for name brands, Featherlite makes nice stuff. In general, you get what you pay for.
Sorry, I don't.

Google or the Yellow Pages or neighbors may be able to give you some dealers.

If you're interested in a Featherlite, go to their web page. There should be a dealer locator by plugging in your zip code.
Search Tempest will search several cities/ areas of craigs list at once. I've found most of my hay equipment that way.