hillbilly from louisiana stopped down at the local hardware store.
He saw the shiney new chainsaw in the window, with a sign saying,,,"cut twice as much wood per day"
Wow,,,he went and sold some chickens and 2 goats,,,ran back to the hardware store and got that shiney chainsaw.
Well,,,about 2 weeks later, he came back to the hardware looking purt neer wore out. Whats the problem?,, inquired the clerk.
It's that danged chain saw! replied 2pistols,,,,(no relation to anyone here,,,,)
I can't cut any more wood then i could with my old axe! I shoulda stuck with the axe since it was paid for.
Let me see it, says the clerk. He takes it over to the bench,,,pulls the rope,,and brrroooom, it takes off.
2pistols,,,jumps behind the counter to hide when the chainsaw started,,,shouting,,,,,,"what the hell is all that noise!