My Yanmar 155D and maintenance

Hi all, havent been around much for a while. Just too busy. A while back I had an electrical problem with my yanmar. The altenator/generator went out. Actually, one of the bearings seized. As a result the belt burned up in short order and with all the smoke, I though I had lost the engine at first.

Anyway, once I determined the problem, I checked out the costs of a new generator/altenator..its not actually either on my yanmar..but I cant think of the term for it at the moment. Anyway, the price of them were way too much for a new least for my budget at the time. Well over 100 bucks. And if I remember, it was close to 200 bucks. So I proceeded to just rebuild the old one. Turned out to be so much simpler than I had imagined. All I had to do was press the old bearing out, clean the whole thing up, sand the points to clean them, put it all back together, press in the new bearings. (there are two, and though only one of them burned out, I replaced both. Then replace the shaft and coil, and housing and put it back in the tractor.

I was really surprised, though I shouldnt have been, at how simple the repair was. I did it without a machine shop, was able to press in and out the bearings with just hand tools. And it works great. And the total time on the rebuild, which I meant to get photos, but didnt, my camera wasnt working at the time. The whole procedure, other than the wait for the bearings to come in, took only about 2 hours total including putting it back in the tractor.

I came in here to ask for help at the time, and got the advice I needed, along with some diagrams and such..but turned out the simplicity of the design which goes along with the whole tractor, made it a snap to fix.I think for almost anyone. And a heck of alot cheaper than buying a new altenator/generator.

I still havent repainted the old yanmar. I keep meaning to, but I use it too much and need it too much, that I hate taking it out of service for the time needed to tear it down and repaint it properly. So the green machine looks its age...but works as well as it did when new.
Great story Dennis!!

Gotta love happy endings.

I agree, these tractors are so simple to service and maintain...which is what probably makes many Yanmar owners reluctant to sell or trade (unless they buy a larger Yanmar).

Where my yanmar is concerned, its always a happy ending. My only problem is its not big enough. So am going to try to find me a bigger one. Going to keep this small one but it just doesnt have the power to do some of the things I have asked it to do. So I am going to start looking for a yanmar in the 40hp range, at least, maybe a bit bigger with a loader. Wouldnt mind one of the red ones. Going to see what I can find here locally. Course, I wouldnt turn my nose up at a massy or a ford but I have to admit, I have become a confirmed yanmar guy.