My RTV- soon to be an extreme off road vehicle

The old fresh air experience as apposed to creature comforts discussion...As some of you may know, I run a little driveway clearing enterprise during the winter season. My business has more than doubled since last year in terms of customers. After a good snowfall (of which we have not had many this year) I have 2 machinesout there with a third on standby in caseof breakage. The RTV with Blizzard hydraulic blade running windrow duty and the F3060 outfront equipped with the snow blower on follow through and taking care of the tight spots. All 3 units have heated enclosed cabs and trust me...when its well below freezing with the wind blowing snow horizontally and you've got 6 hours of snow clearing ahead of you....a heated cab is a necessity. I also note that the boys out there running 4x4's with plows (from whom I've grabbed a lot of business) haven't removed their trucks doors either. I even get some 'sub' work from these guys</p>

It all depends on the purpose for which the machine is used and the environment it is used inthat dictates whether a cab with heat is required and desired.</p>

BTW ...the cab on the RTV is the least warm, even with 2 heaters...just the nature of the design of the cab and the "airie" nature of the RTV.</p>

Having said all this, I can see where a cab may not be 'right' in other applications/locations.</p>
kanook- i also i have the steel cab with 1 heater and it is plenty warm but then again it probably doesn't get as cold here in VA</p>
[quote user="Johndeeremho"]</p>

kanook- i also i have the steel cab with 1 heater and it is plenty warm but then again it probably doesn't get as cold here in VA</p>
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Yup!...It does a decent job until the temperature outside gets down into the teens and below. I'm not complaining as it warms it up sufficiently to operate the RTVwithout gloves on. Gloves make the blade operation difficult as it is controlled by a touch pad as apposed to a joy stick.</p>
[quote user="Johndeeremho"]</p>

when you say you have two heaters, do you have the two curtis tuck away heaters from kubota?</p>
<div style="CLEAR: both"></div>


One is the tuck away unit and the other is a 3rd prty box that I got from a local tractor supply outfit. Its installed to direct warmed air at the operator pedal area of the floor to keep the feet warm.</p>


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That's right Kubota Kanook, Dealing with these cows is an in and out and dash about thing. I can usually use my whip with a swirl motion to herd as I ride but sometimes have to hope out to let them know I mean business. I am usually getting tools out of the cargo bed to work on fence with and using the RTV to get from point A to Point B. Then it is all outside. I'm not complaining mind you. I went to college for 4 yrs because I thought I needed a piece of paper to make me happy. It did't help and I just keep it in a drawer. I love the out of doors and the peace and quiet of it. One of my favorite things is riding the RTV in most conditions but not that cold stuff you , Onfoot and others have up there so often. One week is enough for me. Haha. By the time the cab would be warm , it would be time to open the door and hop out and so on and so on.. Bordercollie</p>
Bordercollie and all...</p>

Guess the RTV is a case of what's good for the goose is not necessarily good for the gander. The many varied uses and applications of these machines is second only to the many varied people and activities of the members of this great forum...great place to hang out.</p>