My 1510 is smoking like a hot-rodded Cummins.


The radiator was plugged up and it was overheating when the smoking started. I got the radiator out , had it repaired, and the engine is running at normal temps now, losing no water. But the engine is emitting diesel smioke like a Cummins on steroids. Did I glaze my rings and walls? Would that cause lower compression and incomplete fuel burn? don't seem to have lost any power though.
Ditto what California said.

Overheating these engines can often lead to rings contracting into the piston grooves…and sometimes they stick. Fuel inside the cylinder walls will compensate for the compression to quite a high degree…but the crank case oil will show significant signs of diesel fuel contamination when this happens.

Blow by from the down tube (off the valve cover) will tell the story about loss of compression and piston or ring damage and eventually hard starting, oil consumption and fuel in the oil by feeling or smelling the dip stick.

If you go about repairing the engine now, you may get by with a light cylinder wall hone and standard rings (depending on the wall taper). If you wait too long a re-sleeve, valve and seats regrind, and perhaps more will be necessary including the bottom end.

Let us know what you find and in the meantime good luck.

Engine Emitting Black Smoke
1. Basic Engine Malfunction<<<<This is where I'd be starting...:(
2. Service Problem
3. Fuel System Malfunction

Are there any NEW noises eminating from the engine??
OK; I had absent-mindedly topped up the oil by pouring it into the FUEL TANK instead of the crankcase! Topped up with fresh diesel and the smoke is gone.
OK; I had absent-mindedly topped up the oil by pouring it into the FUEL TANK instead of the crankcase! Topped up with fresh diesel and the smoke is gone.

Hmmm.....that would do it! You might wanna lay off the sauce during service or using the tractor! :D;)
Even though self-induced...glad it was only that. :thumb: