Other than losing 3...yes 3 dairy cows yesterday, having 2 others very sick, & the vet on his way now to a calving problem (calf's head folded backwards), and the pounding blowing rain finding it's way into my home & ruining a wall in my bedroom, plus my Aunt passed on Sunday, & due to family being scattered for Christmas, the funeral is held over until Saturday, yep other than this.....I'm having a great Christmas season! It's definitely hard to take all this, but I do have a lot to be thankful for:
I DO have a job, I DO have a wonderful Wife & Family, I DO have a lot of good friends, and I AM alive & kicking.
Vet should be here anytime. Please wish us well with the delivery. Calf is already dead, but hoping upon hope to save this cow!
Wishing ALL you guys a better Christmas than I am having: