Oh yes,A older farmer told me today about this additive,says he swears by it. He put's it in his gas,diesel,and oil, in all his equipment. Story's he told are kinda amazing. Anyone else use it ? Sound like some good stuff.
have seem some old timers use it but does you equipment last any longer?
Must do something special,
Don't know if it last any longer. Have not had anything I used it in let me down yet .......
So far, everything I put it in, is still running great, after all these years.
are you sure it's not snake oil? what are the benefits? i have seem some old timers use it but does you equipment last any longer?
I guess it's better than being called a Geezer or old Coot...........God bless us old guys and what we have learned to pass on....................Dennis
Hey, don't mind listening. Planted my butt on a many of old tractor tires, buckets, or just sqatted down and listened to what the older folks have to say. One can't buy that kind of information !!!!
Many of us, of what we know, comes from "hand me down knowledge".
Ever noticed, when one gets his/her self in a bind. The very one who will come to help, is a older person. Always.
Pull your tractor over on the side of the road. Older men will almost always stop to see if you need a hand. Just be checking in to see if you need help.
Be somewhere where there where it would not hurt to have a helping hand. The first one to show up and put that hand on it, will be a older person who has been there. Where I've seen elderly women at a store, trying to load up stuff, and younger people just walk on by. That is not right. Every dog has his day.
And God Bless our Soldiers, for they never stop giving !!!!
...... jamie
A older farmer told me today about this additive,says he swears by it. He put's it in his gas,diesel,and oil, in all his equipment. Story's he told are kinda amazing. Anyone else use it ? Sound like some good stuff.
are you sure it's not snake oil? what are the benefits? i have seem some old timers use it but does you equipment last any longer?
This is what Marvel does the best at.Marvel is a good upper-lube. I think. That's all I've used it for, way back in the days of carbureted engines. Take off the air-cleaner, grab the throttle linkage, rev up the engine while slowly pouring MMO down the intake. The exhaust turned into a fogging machine while the MMO was being burned. I congratulated myself on doing something really effective for my engine. I dunno ... maybe it helped free a sticky valve, or cleaned the seats or the rings or the heads. Anyhow ... it seemed like a good idea at the time. It's probably like chicken soup for a head cold: can't hurt.
i have been known to run my old oil through a coffee filter and add that to the tank as well little by little. any oil you add to todays deisel is better than what you pump straight into it from the station.