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<P mce_keep="true">Skipholiday,</P>
<P mce_keep="true"> I've sat back and tried to keep cool, but this is just about enough !!!! Don't understand people like you, and not going to start tryingnow !!! But, going to give you a open invitation, to come to our part of the country, and see how things are. They are some great folks down here that will be more than happy to teach you a few lessons on behavior & respect. For somewhere in your life, you missed out on some things, and for that, I am sorry. So keep all you ill feelings to yourself, and don't start this name calling, and starting touble on this forum. This forum is all about folks helping folks. Nobody has never tried to so call scam anybody or anything here. We don't know were this dark cloud came from, but it needs to stop now !!! </P>
<P mce_keep="true"><FONT size=4><FONT color=#ff0000> <FONT face=JohnHancock>~~~~~~ Two Guns ~~~~~~</FONT></FONT></FONT></P>


Well-known member
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<P mce_keep="true">sorry pal strong made stoppers don't have a curve and they are only 3 " tall and don't come close to my bootsavers. mine have a curve to them . and they come in aluminum and steel. the mount did look close but i even went a step further and changed that too so it doesn't even look like it . so no there is no scamming going on . </P>


New member
<P mce_keep="true">[quote user="TWO GUNS"]


I've sat back and tried to keep cool, but this is just about enough !!!! Don't understand people like you, and not going to start tryingnow !!! But, going to give you a open invitation, to come to our part of the country, and see how things are. They are some great folks down here that will be more than happy to teach you a few lessons on behavior & respect. For somewhere in your life, you missed out on some things, and for that, I am sorry. So keep all you ill feelings to yourself, and don't start this name calling, and starting touble on this forum. This forum is all about folks helping folks. Nobody has never tried to so call scam anybody or anything here. We don't know were this dark cloud came from, but it needs to stop now !!! </P>

<FONT size=4><FONT color=#ff0000> <FONT face=JohnHancock>~~~~~~ Two Guns ~~~~~~</FONT></FONT></FONT></P>

[/quote]Threatening ppl over the internet is big nowadays huh Jamie.(Thats what you bb balled asshats do when you cant backup what you type)Why don't you answer this question? Why did you lie about the pic?</P>

BTW keep sitting back and keeping your cool, because thats all you can keep. Because your integrity is crap. You sir are a LIAR.~!</P>


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<P mce_keep="true">here ya go see my boosaver front plates they are bigger as you would know if you ever seen a set of stickstoppers !!! and as for as the bottom plate lookin the same well sue me because thats the size of the rtv's a-arm dummy!!!! how else is it supose to be shaped. and as for as the little back piece well if you had a rtv or new anything about them you would know that thats the biggest you can make that piece because of some steering thing mounted to the a-arm. but as you can see my aluminum ones are cut way down i think 1"and 3/4 to be exact and the stickstoppers are like 3" or 4" but my aluminum plates go up to 7-1/2 " to block way more than stickstoppers. so that blows your scammers thing to crap man. now leave .lol</P>
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<P mce_keep="true"> Tommy,</P>
<P mce_keep="true"> You don't have to explain anything to this person. The only thing we can do is pray to God his situation improves. But for now, members need to just go about their business and enjoy their machines ...... </P>
<P mce_keep="true"><FONT size=4><FONT color=#ff0000> <FONT face=JohnHancock>~~~~~~ Two Guns ~~~~~~</FONT></FONT></FONT></P>


New member
<P mce_keep="true">[quote user="TWO GUNS"]


You don't have to explain anything to this person. The only thing we can do is pray to God his situation improves. But for now, members need to just go about their business and enjoy their machines ...... </P>

<FONT size=4><FONT color=#ff0000> <FONT face=JohnHancock>~~~~~~ Two Guns ~~~~~~</FONT></FONT></FONT></P>

[/quote] Most likely I will be banned for being honest and calling you liar. Thats ironic isn't it? :) Even when I amgone the simple fact that you are a LIAR will remain! (Only you can fix that) Hopefully enough ppl will see this post before it is removed to understand that you are ano good asshat!</P>
<P mce_keep="true"></P>
<P mce_keep="true">You have this one correct Jammie! You and Tommy are great guys and we have a lot of great folks on this Forum. I know one thing about Louisiana, on my first down there I picked up my rental car at the airport and went a few blocks down the main street and low and behold there was a big roadside sign at a store that stated "Alligator Meet Fore Sale"</P>
<P mce_keep="true">The photo you posted has got to be Louisiana it is to flat to be anywhere else. Had there been a hill Tommy would have told you the Gator was on the interstate because the only hills in Louisiana are the interstate overpasses.</P>


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Oh my...I'm gone for a couple days and look what happens.</p>

I honestly don't care about the picture, who took it or where it happened. Hell, I don't even know if that dog pack against the alligator post I made really happened in Florida. The thread was about RTV's in the first place but got sidetracked into all kinds of different subjects.</p>

I'm not going to delete any posts in this thread as I don't like to over-moderate. Each member is an adult and can walk away from the thread with their own thoughts and opinions.</p>

Skip - You and I have talked about this before. If you're not here to contribute, please don't post.


New member
<P mce_keep="true">I ran across this forum a couple of months ago, and was instantly blown away by how much good information and advice is on this site. I have an RTV 900 and have been debating on trading up to an 1100, and the opinions and thoughts on this site has been invaluble. The other thing that blew me away is how helpful all the people are, I have read so many threads with people needing help with problems on there RTV and every single time someone is there to help. As far as Two Guns and Tommy are concerned, how could anyone bash these guys? Two guns goes way out of his way to help people, and there arn't too many people out there like that any more. Tommy has made some top notch accessories too, and I have read his post telling people to let him know if there is anything they need for there RTV, just let him know. All of his work I have looked at on this site looks superior to what you can buy other places, and his prices are very reasonable. It just burns me up to see someone come on this forum and start bashing people for no reason, and attacking there character, and abities. Maybe this is a "good ole boys" forum, but I think I can speak formost of the readerson this site, that is the way we like it!</P>
<P mce_keep="true"></P>
<P mce_keep="true">Purdybass</P>


<P mce_keep="true">[quote user="Skipholiday"] Most likely I will be banned for being honest and calling you liar. Thats ironic isn't it? :) [/quote]
<P mce_keep="true">Yes. 16 posts byskipholiday and nothing even remotly constructive. That made it very easy to push the ban button. </P>