Losing power


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I own a 06 RTV 900 with only 27 hrs. I operate at 3500' in steep terrain. The RTV has alway had lots of power until today. While on a normal drive around the property while climbing a fairly steep hill that I have done many times the machine bogged down and almost quit. I let up on the throttle expecting the secondary pump to engage like I have read on this forem but no luck.
I tried cleaning the airfilter and it did seem to help but again on the 2nd and 3rd attempt the machine bogs down again.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance


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Have you checked the fuel filter , and the quality of the fuel . At only 27 hours on your rtv, how long has that fuel been in the tank. It really sounds like a fuel problem to me ....</P>

That's the way our tractors act when the fuel filter need changeing ....They will get weak ~~~And it will happen suddenly sometimes insead of gradually stopping up with particles that a fuel filter suppose to stop from going into your pump. That would be my first thingI wouldchange. Second, it would be the fuel. ******* hope this helps !!!! Keep us up to date on this and let us know what the outcome is. </P>

Now this is just my opinion, maybe some other member will have some other or better suggestions.</P>

~~~~ jamie </P>


[quote user="Robert11"] I own a 06 RTV 900 with only 27 hrs. I operate at 3500' in steep terrain. The RTV has alway had lots of power until today. While on a normal drive around the property while climbing a fairly steep hill that I have done many times the machine bogged down and almost quit. I let up on the throttle expecting the secondary pump to engage like I have read on this forem but no luck.
I tried cleaning the airfilter and it did seem to help but again on the 2nd and 3rd attempt the machine bogs down again.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
[/quote]Check the spark arrester screen on your tail pipe,mine was clogged pretty good with 30 hours on it.It statesin your owners manuel how to clean it.coobie


New member
Thanks for the suggestions.... I will check the filter and spark arrestor today and drain the fuel tank if that does not work.


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Welcome to the forum.

I've seen this happen many times before. I would first pull the spark arrestor (just to be sure it's not related) but it's most likely due for a fluid and filter change in the tranny.

During manufacturing, there's always some left over flakes and "stuff" inside the tranny. These have been pulled through and have most likely clogged the filters in the tranny (thus greatly reducing flow).

Do your 50-hour service on the tranny (new fluid and filters) and give it a shot. Also, use the Kubota Super UDT fluid. You "may" be able to get away with regular UDT if you live in very moderate conditions (the south...). DO NOT use any aftermarket or cheap brand fluid. I know several that have (and immediately encountered the same issues you're currently having) and have had to dump it and put the Super UDT back in.


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<TABLE class=CAPageContent id=_ctl0__ctl1_bcr_PostForm___ComposePage style="DISPLAY: block; WIDTH: 100%; HEIGHT: 100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0>
<TD style="VERTICAL-ALIGN: top">
<DIV id=_ctl0__ctl1_bcr_PostForm___Reply>Robert11</DIV>
<DIV> Was you able to fix the problem ? </DIV>
<DIV> Did you change the fuel filter & check the spark arrestor ? </DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


New member
Two Guns.. Thanks for checking up on me. I keep my RTV on our remote property in NW Washington State. The morning I was to work on the Kubota I got a call from work and had to head home and to the job. ( Only 2 more years and that problem will end) I will get back to the property in 10 days and will finish the project.
I did change the engine and transmission oils and filters this spring even though I only had 20 hours on the machine at the time. I figured best to do it once a year at least.

I do add a diesel fuel additive and a bio fuel mix to the fuel tank. I try to keep it full all the time too. I was under the impression that diesel fuel did not go bad if this was done. Let's see what happens after I do the spark arrestor and fuel filter.

Interesting thread on the ROPS High Air Intake you wrote. It gets pretty dusty here in the summer. Probably a very good investment. I have installed a multi purpose tool rack attached to the rear cage that I keep my Kolpin rifle boot mounted to. I might have to lower this rack a bit to mount the Air Intake. I'll stop by my dealer and talk to him about that.


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<DIV id=_ctl0__ctl1_bcr_PostForm___Reply>Robert11</DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

<FONT face=Arial>No problem at all !!! Two years will come & go in no time .... </FONT></P>

<FONT face=Arial>Yes sir, the High Intake was yet the best investment I've made for the RTV. I am a firm believer in taking great care of your equipment, for it will take care of you. You have done made a big investment in the RTV, what is 165.00 for the care of the unit >>>> Keep us up to date on the fixin' thing. And unless you are on goverment owned property, snatch that spark arrestor off , for it will clog up on you on down the road. Your performance on the RTV will be so much better, you'll see it .......</FONT></P>

<FONT face=Arial> Have a Nice Day !!!</FONT></P>

<FONT face=Arial> jamie </FONT></P>


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[quote user="Robert11"]I did change the engine and transmission oils and filters this spring even though I only had 20 hours on the machine at the time. I figured best to do it once a year at least.[/quote]
OK, you're messing with me now....
95% of the time, the conditions you mentioned are related to needing a tranny fluid change (on a new machine).
Did you use Kubota's Super UDT or a different fluid?


Hi Robert,</P>

I posted a similar experience on May 22 -http://compacttractorreview.com/cs/forums/post/7751.aspxand never did find the cause. Like you, the filters, fluids, fuel, etc. were all fine. </P>

To me it felt like something in the drivetrain was putting aheavy load on the engine - like driving with brakes applied. However, the exhaust wasn't blackstacking as would be the case in an overload codition.</P>

I think itis more likely that the governor was not working correctly and was not fueling the engine to meet the load. I don't know much about the specifics of the Kubota governor/fuel delivery systembut they might be sensitiveand stumbleunder certain circumstances. </P>

I haven't had it happen again since then. That's the good news. </P>


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/cs/Themes/default/images/user_IsOffline.gif doggman </P>

Our heavy tractors & combines with hydro transmissionshas done this before. And like you said, it will not happen again. Except, one of the combines done it three times, in one week, right after start up.. but , that was it. Talked it over with my best running buddy, ( who is a certified machanic for a tractor company ) about this, he told me the hydraulics in the transmission can do funny things, it could be a very small piece of trash in the systems, or the fluids are not warming up enough, or the valves in the tranny sticking for one reason or another. But it's nothing serious !!! It a series of several things. But usally will work it way out and never happen again. He told me on the combine, if it does it again, change the fluids and filters, for the filters have done probobly picked it up. He said the best thing to do if this happens, is to shut down the unit, wait about 15 minutes and let the pressure back on down some, after releasing, it will go as normal. He was right !!!! What's so good about the newer RTV's, they have a pressure release knob to let it release, instantly !!!!!!</P>

We call them >>>>>> Hydro-Gremlins <<<<<<<</P>


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Doggman... I read your post from May 22nd.... When my bogdown happened I too thought that the brake was on. The first time it occurred I had just used the diff lock also. The second time was about an hour later on the second climbing of steep terrain in 4 wheel drive. I made an easy climb between the bogdown and the second steep climb. Maybe it is a fuel/governer problem or somthing is clogging the tranny filter.

When I get back to the property I'll change the fuel filter and clean the spark arrestor first and see what happens. If it does it again I'll try changing the tranny fluid and filters again.
I'll stop by my dealer this week and pick his brain although I think this forum gives all the good info.


Hi Robert,</P>

I bet you'll find that your fuel filter will be clean. That's the first thing that I thought when it happened to me - after checking the brake. The RTV900 engines are somewhat de-tuned so they don't seem to be very sensitive to fuel quality. If you are using an additive that should really help to keep the fuel up to snuff. That being said, nothing runs well with slugs of moisture in the fuel. You mentioned biofuel - I've heard that one of the drawbackswith biodiesel is that it will not store very long before it starts to degrade. There's a lot research going on to help preserve that fuel. </P>

FYI - I'm a little suspect of the diff-lock. I have used itseveral timesin the past where it felt likeI was putting on the brake.Again, that hasn't happened in a while. Also,I have found that the diff-lock does not always release after using it. I visibly check the pedal to see if it is up. Even with it up there have been several times that I swear it was still engaged. I now back up a few feet after I use it to make sure it is released. You'll hear it pop when it releases. </P>


New member
Doggman... Thanks for your feedback about the Diff-lock. I have only used it that once and this is when I had the problem. I will remember to back up to make sure it is released and visibly check the pedal to make sure it is up.

I will still change the fuel filter and other items as suggested. I am going to order the ROPS High Air Intake also.

In my thread I did mention Bio but I did not mean "Bio-Fuel" . Sorry. I use a Biocide made by Stanadyne. It controls bacteria, fungi, sludge, etc. A form of this product is used in the aviation industry in jet plane fuel tanks so I figured it would work well in the RTV since it is parked quite a bit. I also have a Kubota B7800 and it works well in that too.

Thanks for all of the suggestions.


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[quote user="Robert11"]The first time it occurred I had just used the diff lock also. The second time was about an hour later on the second climbing of steep terrain in 4 wheel drive. I made an easy climb between the bogdown and the second steep climb.[/quote]
Please help me understand the conditions again.

In the times that it was bogging down, you were climbing a steep hill in either 4wd, diff lock or both, correct? What happens when you try that hill with diff lock and 4WD disengaged?

Where I'm going with this is that if you have either/both the diff lock and 4wd engaged, some loss of power (oomph) should be expected. For each tire engaged, the engine has to power it and therefore is more likely to bog down.

Here's a little test. Put a 4x4 or 6x6 (or a curb or something of similar size) behind the rear tires of the RTV. With diff lock and 4wd disengaged, put it in reverse and back over the obstruction. It'll climb right over. Now, do the same test with diff lock and/or 4wd engaged. It probably won't climb it.


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First time bogging down... climbing hill in 2 wheel drive... got stopped in very sandy area and used Diff-Lock... once out of sand RTV started bogging down. I did not check to see if the Diff-lock was up.

Second time was an hour later on different hill in 4 Wheel Drive... I stopped... restarted machine and it worked fine for the rest of the climb.

I will try yor test..thanks


I thought that might be what you meant by Bio. I've been using aBaker Hughes Petrolite biocide that was both oil and water soluble. Maritime and railroad operatorsare the main users of that product. It's been hard to get recently unless it's purchased in drums which would last me a lifetime.I'm trying to snaga quartfrom aport engineerpal of mine. </P>

I didn't know Stanadyne had products that were approved for aircraft use. I'm going to Reno next month for the National Air Races so I'll keep my eye out for them. </P>

ground hog man

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let me ask you a question my has started bogging down on hills bad lakely and when i mash the fuel down it starts smoking bad but when i let up to about half way the asist motor kicks in and it stopes smoking and the power is better my rtv has never been as powerfull as my neighbor he goes up hills in high that i need low or medium i believe its just luck of the draw on if you get a good hill pulling one or not now on level ground where neck to neck just wondering if your smoke when it bogges down.thanks the ground hog man from ground hog hollow kentucky