LED Headlight Bulbs RTV X1100C

:yum: You're speaking to a vehicle and person that work in an environment that requires hearing protection...so you don't go deaf. :wink:
After getting some time to research better the bulbs below are the ones I ordered. I did get them from Amazon just don't have the link handy. I used them this morning when I went hunting and they really work well.


Great call on those bulbs!! I ordered a set from Amazon and put them in Saturday night and can't believe the improvement. Here's an Amazon link for those looking

Hog hunting sounds like a good time, I wish we had them up here in Massachusetts, but also glad we don't because of the mess they create. I'm actually starting to get into coyote hunting and am building a 10.5" 6.8 SPC AR pistol. I also ordered an AGM Rattler TS35-384 thermal.

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Dave, that's great that the bulbs worked out for you. Mine really work well.

Trust me, you do not want wild pigs. They are very destructive and you can't get rid of them. Went deer hunting this morning and shot a 150 pounder.
The bulb is called a "conversion kit".

BEAMTECH 880 LED Bulb, S1 Series 8000LM 50W Conversion Kit Fanless Quieter CSP Chip Xenon White All In One Halogen Replacement​

What what all do you do to make it work in the RTV?
Currently unavailable ...they don't know when they'll be back in stock. I suppose that means they are on a ship near LA somewhere. :bonk:
Doc, mine were plug and play. Took all of 5 minutes to swap both bulbs. My assumption would be "conversion kit" just means from halogen to LED.
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The bulb is called a "conversion kit".

BEAMTECH 880 LED Bulb, S1 Series 8000LM 50W Conversion Kit Fanless Quieter CSP Chip Xenon White All In One Halogen Replacement​

What what all do you do to make it work in the RTV?
Currently unavailable ...they don't know when they'll be back in stock. I suppose that means they are on a ship near LA somewhere. :bonk:

I guess I got the last set😉

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Dave, not to get off topic but this damage was done last night. There is a deer feeder about 300 yards from here and the game camera showed 6 big pigs there at 11:30 last night. 20211214_093300.jpg
My nutty friend (transplant from Penn) who bought 100 acres outside of Lockhart Tx was enjoying hunting hogs in South Texas…so he trapped a half-dozen…and, thinking how much he was going to enjoy hunting them locally,….trailered them to his property and turned them loose. :oops:

Next day he called to tell me how pizzed-off he was because the moment he opened the trap and turned them loose…they’d all run straight-thru his barbed-wire fences tearing them up and ran off out-of-sight … somewhere now out in the county.

I told him he’d better quit telling people his story because… 1-He violated state law by transporting feral hogs across county lines without a permit, …. 2-When his neighbors learn of this they will ship him back to his Pennsylvania mother-in-law in a box,… 3-even his favorite governor will exile him from Texas.

Between all the folks from Mexico, California, and Pennsylvania we’ve almost got our fill of Immigrants around here…. 😒
My nutty friend from Pennsylvania moved down to central Texas in the early ‘80s and later bought his dream of 100 acres down near Lockhart, Tx. He enjoyed hunting in south Texas and brought home a half-dozen feral hogs and turned them loose on his property.

He called the next day to explain to me how pizzed-off he was because as he opened the trap…they all shot across his field, tore through his 5-strand barbed-wire fence as if it didn’t exist… and disappeared off into the distance of the neighbors property in the county. He was very disappointed that he would not be able to enjoy hog-hunting at-home and wanted my sympathy.

I told him he’d best keep this to himself as…1- He had violated state law transporting feral hogs across county lines without a permit, and…2- His neighbors were going to send him home to his Pensylvania mother-in-law in a box if/when they find out about it.

I had feral hogs tear up my grass aircraft runway on my place 4 years ago so badly my 9N Ford tractor could not navigate down it! I ended up buying a bigger tractor (Kubota M4700DT) , disc-plow, PTO-powered tiller, grader-blades, and a 8-Ton Ferguson Steel-Wheeled compactor-roller to return the runway to service. I HATE feral hogs.


The good news is that the Ferguson 5-8B roller so-compacts the soil that hogs will not attempt to root-around on it.…they much prefer the un-compacted areas on the ranch. Did I mention how much I HATE hogs?

They were introduced to the southwestern area by Hernando DeSoto in the 1500s and some idiot around 1900 worsened the problem by deliberately importing Russian Boar to the Smokey Mtn area and turned them loose. They have now interbred with the spanish hogs and now we’ve got a SERIOUS problem with hogs that will produce 3 sets of litters every year containing 3 to 9 piglets each litter.
I used to feel sorry for the animals that were hunted using un-sportsman-like means but I’ve become less concerned in recent years. I just wish folks would not use diesel-fuel-on-corn bait and poisons because some people actually eat them.

There’s now a huge billboard-sign on every road into Lockhart, Tx which advertises for a fellow “I buy Wild Hogs”. He ships them to Belgium where they are considered a delicacy..the older, the bigger, the better. I wish him a lot of success.

(I wonder if my nutty friend shouldn’t contact him and ask for a commission as part of the buyer’s success…)

What does the feral-hog population look like in the U.S.?
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I looked at that map of hog locations on the US and the one in New Hampshire is about 2 miles as the crow flied from me. It is a 25,000 acre private fenced and patrolled game hunting preserve. They brought in European hogs about 130 years ago and they are said to be the only purebred ones left in the country, not having been mixed with anything else. One or two do get out from time to time. We have one in the dooryard about 3 years ago. They will completely tear up a piece of ground looking like a Rototiller had been through. There is no open season and no closed season on them, they are not on the F&G list of game animals and so if you shoot one, you own it. I went to a funeral a few years ago and they had the gate open and guarded to let us in. If a hog attempted to leave, it would have been dead meat!
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I ordered a set directly from Beamtech using the first link listed above yesterday morning, I received a shipping notice this morning that they will be here today. $42.99 free shipping.
…they are said to be the only purebred ones left in the country, …
:LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL:…They are HOGS! They were from Europe where they F$%’d ANYTHING/EVERYTHING!

”purebred”…. What a laugh.

Like dogs, the broader the bloodline the Better and More Intelligent. What they likely mean is they are relatively UN-changed from centuries …which means they are less desireable (in modern tastes) from a fat/content edible meat standpoint. (Of course, they’ll likely advertise otherwise.)
:LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL:…They are HOGS! They were from Europe where they F$%’d ANYTHING/EVERYTHING!

”purebred”…. What a laugh.

Like dogs, the broader the bloodline the Better and More Intelligent. What they likely mean is they are relatively UN-changed from centuries …which means they are less desireable (in modern tastes) from a fat/content edible meat standpoint. (Of course, they’ll likely advertise otherwise.)
So you are saying their bellies are not as tasty as a farm bred one.🙁 So I guess I'm not coming to Texas for free bacon 🐖🐷
So you are saying their bellies are not as tasty as a farm bred one.🙁 So I guess I'm not coming to Texas for free bacon 🐖🐷
I was referring to the “purebred Boars” mentioned by Peter James.
The feral hogs are quite edible according to all my friends…. I’ll admit I’ve not tasted any….but a couple from our church gets quite excited when I tell them I’ve caught more in my traps. They come over right-away and dispatch them, take them home and butcher them. He smokes hams and bacon and freezes chops and roasts...makes sausage also. I’ve not asked for a taste…I’m just glad to get rid of them so simply.

(My son prefers to gut-shoot them on his place …so they’ll run off into the woods and he doesn’t have to carry them off. I’m too Liberal to do that…. I Hate Them!…but I don’t want them to suffer, when a .22 in the ear is instant dead hog…and I mean Instant! They are hard to kill otherwise and it’s troublesome to me to watch a thrashing, suffering, dying animal.)

I shot one in the shoulder with a 170 gr. .30-30 and watched him run thru a barbed-wire fence …and off about 100 yds…then stop to ROOT AROUND! When I approached to finish him off….he disappeared into the brush. The buzzards had him two days later in another pasture. I hated that.
Does anyone know of a led bulb replacement for the factory roof mounted halogen worklights?
Provide a Part-Number of the halogens you wish to replace… (different models, even within the same year, have different PNs.)
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If they are like the ones on the cab of my Kubota tractor the bulbs are not replaceable. Don't know what they use on the RTV.
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