L3130 trans ,and Hyd. filter change


New member
I need to change the filters . But the owners manual seems to indicate draining the hydraulic fluid . Personally I don't want to do that ,as I don't have a way to catch that much fluid . SO.. Can I change the filters without doing a drain ?
I certain that I'll lose some fluid ,but how much should I expect to lose ?
TIA, John

I am not sure about your machine as to where the filters are located.
Can you maybe drain some of the fluid off into a clean pan and transfer it to a clean bucket and then drain some more? That might get you down to a managable level that you can change the filters. Then pour it all back is using a funnel that has a screen in it.

Tractor Supply has those nice big catch pans that hold at least 15 qts for 10 bucks.
I was hoping Neil would see this and answer. I've heard of just changing the filters, but have no idea how much fluid you'd loose when doing that.
John, its messy but on most stuff you can change the filters without draining the oil.
Get the new filter ready and to hand. Crack the old one off, unscrew it real quick, and screw the new one on as fast as possible. You'll lose some fluid, but not too bad.
Depending on where your filter is you could probably get away with losing as little fluid as a litre or so. If you drop the filter or something you might lose it all though, its a risk.....

I've juggled a few filters with the oil full, usually when I add the oil then realise I forgot to change the filter.
like Mith said just have the new one ready and dont be right under it when changing it...as for changing the fluid it does recomment to change it " now and then". Having over a doz tractors I dont change my at all...because between the leaks.. broken hoses and lines it get change enought...and when we do have a hyd problem we change it out just to see if any pieces in the bottom...then again for those that dont use their tractors much and maybe in the cold weather all fluid may need to be change just for getting old.
My guess would be that not much fluid would be lost. The sumps to the engine oil and hyd oil are located lower than where the filters are located. So, I would think that just the oil in the lines would be lost if you are slow about it. I have not changed just the filter, yet. It has been both oil and filter. On mine, the hyd oil has looked like new when changing it, but if the manual says to do it, so I will follow what it says. Seems a shame, but I guess the additives in the oil must break down and that's why.
Thanks for the replies ,and suggestions . Ill give it a go as soon as the filters arrive .
If it get's ugly, I'll post my results :)
The hyd filter is the expensive one. Those things look like they are machined on a lathe or something. The oil filter is not so bad.