kubota bx 2200 losing power


New member
i have a bx 2200 and it sometimes loses power when mowing or running its almost like it is starving for fuel if you throttle it down it will shake you off the tractor if you rev it up it wont rev any ideas or help would be appreciated
How many hours are on the machine? Sounds like Clogged fuel filter/air filter or contaminated fuel from here.

it would be helpful if you post the particulars \: use /maint/etc.
about 650 hrs changed fuel filter last fall and it went away but havent used much at all i was wandering if a fuel line is collapsing or that fuel pump is losing prime when it gets hot or something
Sounds like a fuel issue to me. Did you run the tractor over the winter or was it in storage? Do you use any fuel additives?

Best thign to do is start with good fuel and filter. Maybe disconnect all or most of your fuel lines from the tank to the pump and blow some compressed air through them. Make sure they are clear.

Keep looking it will tell you.