Kioti Pricing Questions


New member
A dealer is considering my proposal to take our used Kioti in trade, on a new CK2610HST.

I just went online & saw where there is up to $3100 rebates on CK models, thru Feb 28.

So, exactly how much is the rebate on the CK2610HST model ?

Is this rebate something I will get from Kioti, automatically, AFTER I buy, or is it something a dealer can just lie about & say they have already figured that rebate in with the price they offer ?

Also, I saw online that Kioti gives a $150 rebate to military vets. So, is that something I'll have to apply for, AFTER the purchase ?

No need to reply "Ask your dealer". Hey, not all dealer personnel are absolutely honest & truthful, all the time. Sometimes, they seek max profit, rather than customer satisfaction.

So, with all this in mind, do any of you guys know, for sure, the answers to either or both my questions ?

Retired, on fixed income, so just trying to get the lowest possible price.
I don't know ...but that isn't stopping me from replying. LOL
On car deals the salesman / dealership will give best price and say the have the rebate included. I've often wondered if they really did. But if I were in your shoes I'd call multiple dealers, near and far and ask straight out.
The main problem with that is that there are VERY few other Kioti dealers anywhere near me. And most of those don't have this model in stock. There are several real good prices online, a couple are $2000 below the cash price my dealer gave me. But those dealers are in other states, FAR from me. Another price was $1000 less.

So, it would appear that my dealer could lower the price quite a bit, & still make a profit. But, due to lack of any competition in this area, & the shortage of tractors to sell, they may not be interested in selling for a lower price.
When I bought my DK40se new, over 10 years ago, the dealer told me the price he would take . It was a price with the cash rebate or I could choose a free front end loader in lieu of the 2500 rebate discount. Get the offer in writing before signing any papers. Never trust verbal to be remembered.
You need to know what the market is bearing so agree with Doc on calling and asking prices at other dealers- even far off. That way you will have some idea of what's going on.
The mini excavator I bought used was at a dealer almost in Tenn/ Ala and 3 hours from me but I saved a lot on the almost new machine - the local dealer is less than 30 minutes from me but wanted 8,000 more for a high hour machine. I searched e bay and the machine trader sites to get a decent idea on prices before I bit the bullet.
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Made the trade deal for $11k difference. They delivered today. The wife got some good seat time & really likes it. I think it's gonna be just right for us.

Has some of the new Good Year R14T tires on it. The delivery guy told me that they'd just got it a few days ago, without tires/wheels. Said that's the only way they can get 'em in weeks, rather than months. Said he has gone to GA as well as Southeast TX & picked up tractors, with no tires & wheels, & only partially assembled.

They just got this tractor put together & serviced out Fri. So, I suppose we were the 1st customers to see it, Sat morning. It was still in the shop.

It has a 3rd function valve up front, in case I ever wanna buy a grapple. But I have no plans to do so. The guy told me something I thought was interesting. He said Kioti insists that dealers fill the rear tires. Said it's because some guy overloaded the bucket, with no weight on the rear & was killed. Can't verify that. But anyhow, I think he said the tires are full of anti-freeze & water. He also filled the fuel tank with diesel, before he loaded it on the trailer.

Everything seems to work, including the beep beep horn. Haven't hooked up the bush hog yet. TJ agrees that she needs to get some more seat time, before I attach the cutter.


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Here's some pics from the driver's seat. TJ can reach & operate the pedals with no problem.


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Very nice. Be careful about giving her to much seat time else you'll have to buy another tractor for you. LOL

The brake layout is different. I prefer being able to hit both brakes with one foot if needed. To each their own. Neat work horse you have there. You're going to love it as long as she'll allow you to get some seat time. LOL
That is correct. Clutch on the left side. Brake on the right side. This is my 1st HST tractor. Didn't realize how seldom you need the brake. Didn't know the tractor stops when you let off of the HST pedal.

Some say they like separate pedals for the brakes, for making sharper turns. But, our 1st Kioti had separate pedals, and during the 12+ years we had it, I never once even unlocked the 2 pedals. So, one pedal for both brakes is fine for me.

Like the clutch, so that we can gradually start the PTO shaft turning. I think that's better, for starting the heavy drum/blades of a bush hog, rather than the instant-on of the elec PTO engagement. But, lots of tractors have the elec type. So, I reckin they work OK.

By the way, she did let me drive it back under the carport. She didn't feel confident enuff yet to do that. Didn't wanna run the bucket into the house. Here I am shifting to low range, to get the rear tires up unto the slab.


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    Shift to Low .JPG
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My mistake. OP had mentioned a layout with left brake on left side and right brake on right side. I thought that's how this one was laid out. Oops.
When I 1st saw this pedal arrangement, I thought there were left side & right side brake pedals, and the PTO engagement was elec. It was only after a lot more searching & learning that I discovered that some HST tractors have clutch pedal PTO engagement.

I can see where if a guy has been use to using a clutch pedal all his life, it might be that if he needed to stop the PTO quickly, it might be quicker for him to hit the clutch pedal to stop it, than to remember to hit the PTO button.
It was only after a lot more searching & learning that I discovered that some HST tractors have clutch pedal PTO engagement.

I can see where if a guy has been use to using a clutch pedal all his life, it might be that if he needed to stop the PTO quickly, it might be quicker for him to hit the clutch pedal to stop it, than to remember to hit the PTO button.
Your tractor does have a 2-stage clutch, right?
If you push the clutch pedal half way down, it disengages the tranny so you can shift gears. If you have something running off the PTO, that implement will continue to run. If you push the clutch all the way down, it'll stop your PTO (and tranny).

I have 2 brake pedals and use the individual side brake quite often.
"...Your tractor does have a 2-stage clutch, right?..."

No. I don't think so.

The shuttle shift Kioti had that type of clutch. But I assume this HST Kioti does not have that type of clutch. Will do some testing today to see how everything works.

The Ford 2000 tractors my dad bought had the the 2-stage clutch. That's what we called having a "Live PTO".

I also got to drive some tractors that didn't have the live PTO. That type is really NOT good for bush hog use. IMO, ALL tractors should have a live PTO.
That is correct. Clutch on the left side. Brake on the right side. This is my 1st HST tractor. Didn't realize how seldom you need the brake. Didn't know the tractor stops when you let off of the HST pedal.

Some say they like separate pedals for the brakes, for making sharper turns. But, our 1st Kioti had separate pedals, and during the 12+ years we had it, I never once even unlocked the 2 pedals. So, one pedal for both brakes is fine for me.

Like the clutch, so that we can gradually start the PTO shaft turning. I think that's better, for starting the heavy drum/blades of a bush hog, rather than the instant-on of the elec PTO engagement. But, lots of tractors have the elec type. So, I reckin they work OK.

By the way, she did let me drive it back under the carport. She didn't feel confident enuff yet to do that. Didn't wanna run the bucket into the house. Here I am shifting to low range, to get the rear tires up unto the slab.
Does anyone know any other tractor models which have a brake pedal on the right side? Def need one of those, otherwise will crash into something when looking for a brake pedal.
With the clutch on the left side you need your left foot to push in the clutch. When I push in the clutch that stops my tractor. If pushing in the clutch on a hill does not stop the tractor you need the brake on the right side so you can use your right foot to stop the tractor. Much like driving a standard shift car. Right foot for gas and brake and left foot for clutch.
"Does anyone know any other tractor models which have a brake pedal on the right side? Def need one of those, otherwise will crash into something when looking for a brake pedal."

I've seen pics & videos of several other tractors which have both the HST & brake pedals on the right side.

BUT, most of 'em have the brake pedal over behind the HST pedals, which looks like it would be hard to get to, if you needed to brake quick. brake pedal

The brake pedal on our Kioti is right beside the forward HST pedal. Real easy to get to it, quick.

I actually prefer the brake pedal/pedals on the left side, with an elec PTO switch, & no clutch. That way, it would be more like the JD lawn tractor we have. There are several tractors with that layout. But, several circumstances led to us buying the Kioti. It'll be fine after we get use to it.
I am used to having a left right brake pedal on the right side along with a foot throttle.
I think the 2610 is the largest small tractor without a left and right pedals on the right. With the hst with two different pedals for forward and back not much room for another pedal there.
The next larger size has a rocker pedal for forward and back with left and right brake pedals. If it were not for the extra cash for the larger one I would have gone that way. Having a 50hp JD also I figured I didn't need it. Mostly just use it around the place for mowing. Use a flail with loader as I feel a tractor without a loader is about as handy as a man with no arms.