Kioti Pictures

My rear blower and my home made grapple on my DK45 . Grapple is not attached in the pictures ,but you get the idea . I made the tooth bar as part of the grapple so I could use it or open the jaws for back blading smoothly . It sure works well . I still need to add replaceable teeth on the tooth bar. This is my nieghbors tractor that I show the grapple on and it already has a tooth bar installed so it may look a little confusing . The jaws lock against the cutting blade making it greet for a tooth bar .

Can you say resize .................... :yum:

I helped Al, hope you don't mind.
Out this morning with my water tank to spray my greens, weather is nice & dry here in the heart of Ireland at the moment.
Have my DK 35(05model with 500hrs)just a few days now everything going well.
The weather is a little dry at the moment here in Ireland( very strange for this country), so I had my water tank out to refresh my greens for the first time this year.
Love the grapple!

Seeing the snow blower pictures makes me think I should ask my friend for the ones he took of me blowing snow. I never saw what it looks like from outside the cab.