Installing Boss plow on RTV 1100

get somebody to scan the diagram at say 300dpi then print it, it will double in size. Or send it bye email and you can blow it up.
my install wiring

I made a small mounting bracket for the solenoid, relay and ground post. Mounted this bracket inside right front fender area. cables to plow simply go out under the hood. The remote bracket I mounted under the ignition key.

Here are some pics that I hope help.

As far as performance, this is the best snow fighting setup I have ever had! However, I am now interested in selling because my wife passed away and I hope to spend my winters in Florida !!

best regards,
Bob Herman


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Thanks, Is that above the tire area ? I have a 2018 The front bumper and grill guard are 21/2 an 1 inch diameter tube. not sure how i am going to mount the cable connectors yet, really don't want to drill in the tubing.
My condolence about your wife....
Yes the bracket I made is above the right front tire.

As far as the cable connectors to the plow assembly, I simply route the cables under the hood . I did not use mounting brackets for connectors - this makes for a clean front end when not having the plow mounted.

I hope this helps.

Best regards,
Bob Herman
The location where I mounted my bracket is obviously under the hood and close to the fender over the right front tire. This worked great for me and made a neat install.

As far as the cables to plow assembly, I simply ran them under the hood and to plow. I did not hard mount the connectors. This makes for a clean front end when the plow is removed.

I hope this helps.

Best regards,
Bob Herman
Where is the best/least expensive place to get a V-plow? $3200 is a lot of money for something I might only use a dozen times a year. Anybody know of a lower cost option?
In Southern Illinois the boss vplow was overkill for me. I might use my blade 2 or 3 times a year. (at least the last few years). I ended up trading my kubota x900 for a JD Gator XUV835M. Bought a straight plow from Moto Alliance. You can get a electric actuator for the left right movement and use the winch to lift. Total around $1500. If you are using it for a business the boss vplow would be the best. I will just have to see if my choice will be okay.
Sno-Way plows

Anybody have experience with Sno-Way snow plows? A local dealer gave me a really competitive quote for one and I'm wondering what folks think about them. Thanks.