IMPORTANT All Compact Tractor Review members please read ...


Staff member
GOLD Patron
Neil and I have not given up on importing the CTR RTV owners forum. We were contacted by a party in England who sounds as if he can get the job done.

One very important item is that member accounts from CTR would also be brought over here. This means you would get credit for whatever posts you made over there. This would make it easier to know who to ask about a certain mod or repair etc....

This will work seamlessly IF you signed up here with the same email address as the one you used on CTR. If for some reason you used a different email address I need to know as your account from CTR and your new one on NTT will have to be handled manually.

If you used a different email simply post in this thread that it's different. No need to enter the email address from either site. All that info is in the database, just let us know so we can have your user name in the exception for the database merge. And then we'll fix up your accounts manually after CTR data is merged with NTT.

Also note, if your member name here is different than your user name on CTR, but you used the same email address, then we'd need to know that also.

Remember, this is an effort to get all those posts and threads over here. It is far from a sure thing at this point, but it is a chance that is worth pursuing.
That would really be great!!! So many posts and opinions over there. Good Luck!! and many thanks for the effort, :tiphat: Bordercollie
thanks DOC and thanks NEIL...................

Rusty Anvil,,,,,
If Ya'll can pull this off, it will be a Big Plus for everyone in this forum community. Great big thanks Doc & Neil, we appreciate everything you are
doing for the new & old members !!!!

........ jamie :tiphat:
user name changed

eMail addy stayed the same but shortened my user name from Kubota Kanook at CTR to just Kanook here.
Okay, got ya covered Kanook. We might change your name to what it was right before the import, and then change it back afterwards.
Does the posts count from CTR add to here and now, everytime I come on, I have to re-sign in,, DIdn't have to do this before..
Good question larry. If you have the same username I suspect post count would be a combination of the two because all the posts will be here.
This is all new ground and we are hoping to make this work. keep your fingers crossed and maybe by this time next week we'll have er done.
I've noticed also, having to log in everytime ....

Don't know if it makes a difference, but on CTR, TWO GUNS was all caps, and on here it's listed as Two Guns >>>

just a checkin'
........ jamie :pat:
There it goes again ... got knocked off >>>>
That's ok though, long as nun of us get's " knocked up " :yum:
everytime I come on, I have to re-sign in, DIdn't have to do this before.
My logon lasts for months. Are you checking the 'stay logged in' box? (next to name/password).

I don't know of any other setting that affects this.
Yep, the " REMEMBER ME " box is checked ....
Just test fired it . Get off of the NTT website, and return, have to log back on .... done it several times to make sure....

They just have some mad Gremlins in the system right now. They will get tired of screwing with things, and then it will get back to normal !!!!

........ two guns
If your browser is set to refuse cookies then NTT won't know who you are when you return.

Could this be the case?
My logon lasts for months. Are you checking the 'stay logged in' box? (next to name/password).

I don't know of any other setting that affects this.
My login lasts months also. What is probably getting you is when you log out it says that it is clearing cookies. So yep, you would have to log back in.
If remember me is checked each time you do log in, you should not have to log back in unless I do something to the cookies as I did 3 different times today. so, I guess I was messing with you but not intentionally. Just trying to fix the picture issue.l
I have hit the remember me button and I DO NOT log out,,, I simply backspace to my home page then go on to the next web site. I know I was an early original with Neil and his site and never once had to re-log in every time I go to this page,,
Pics should be fixed for all. :D

Please do and experiment for me. Open a NTT page, log in and check the remember me button. Minimize that page and wait 60 minutes (everyone is timed out after 60 minutes of inactivity), then right click on the NTT logo in the upper left corner and select open in a new window. Does it ask you to log in again at this point?
I simply backspace to my home page then go on to the next web site.
Just a WAG - Backspacing like that may take you back in time, to before NTT login.

Maybe you could make a bookmark ('favorite'?) for your home page and click it when you want to depart NTT. This will leave NTT listed in your browser's history.

My Firefox home page is set to about:blank which simply shows a blank screen.
Yes, it asks me to log in again... I have had NTT bookmarked for some time, I was as active member here I think back in 98 and only had this problem since integrating CTR from Neil..
Very weird Larry. What browser are you using. Whatever it is I suspect a different browser might fix the issue. Firefox is my primary, has been for a few years now. It's a free download. google firefox download and go to the mozilla link. :thumb: Download it and instlall it and you should be good to go.