I'm not real big on Halloween but---

For the last 20+ years, all the neighbor guys meet at the end of my driveway to pass out candy. Our driveways are not something most people would want to drive down, especially at night.

The dads get to socialize and have a few beverages. We don't get kids walking so with this approach, it makes it easy as the kids can either hop in/out of the vehicle or just remain in it and we pass out the candy. We're really rural so we don't get a lot of kids but most are grown now so it's really slow. I think we had 2 or 3 kids all of last year.

I'm on the fence about doing it at all this year. I just got my hip replaced and sitting/standing outside for a couple hours in nasty weather just doesn't sound appealing. I guess I'll call the other guys and see what their thoughts are and then follow suit.
I was out of town all day and my wife and I did not get home until 8:45 pm. We also live in a rural area. Over the years out here we get less and less kids each year. Last year I don’t think we gave out 25 pieces of candy which left a lot for me to eat.
I was home with candy in bowl. Our grandkids stopped by since g-ma put a little pressure on them, but that was it. Nada. Very Rural and never have had a lot. No biggie ...Mmm this candy is purty good. LOL
when i was a kid and after the chores were done,us kids would pile in the back of the pickup our feet hanging over the tailgate. we would stop at the neighbors and us kids would play with neighbor kids and eat pie cookies and stuff like that. the adults would stand around and visit etc. then more kids and more trucks and adults would continue the journey until all the aunts uncles cousins grandparents and neighbors had been visited. closest thing to candy was popcorn balls and Carmel apples. nobody had pop in those days either, oh and to dress up like a monster or devil wasn't even thought about. boy times have changed :gotsmoney:
I'm home in town at the moment and we got lots of kids this year. Over a hundred. All in creative costumes, some really elegant. A very good show.

I had brought a couple hundred lbs of Fuji apples from the ranch for my city neighbors so I had apples to give to kids who wanted apples along with candy.

A lot of kids were more excited to get real apples than they were over the candy. Best quote "Wow I'm going to eat this right now - this is better than candy!"

This generation never head the scare stories that slowed down Halloween a couple of decades ago. It was all exuberant fun. A good time was had by all.