I hope this is not one of you guys: Tractor DUI

Drunk or sober there's one thing you gotta realize, you don't gain anything by messing with a cop at the scene. Just say, "Yes sir, no sir, my lawyer will be in touch" and let it go. If he wants to whip you off to jail, get in the back of the car and keep quiet. In any confrontation there's only going to be one winner and it's not going to be you.

Those are todays thoughts from Chairman Frank. :wink:
Speakin' from experience, Frank?? :hide:


If I'm stopped by any cop I'm always polite and respectful and I've never had anything more than a warning ticket .... except once in Wyoming. In the middle of winter there was only me, him and a few hundred cows in a thousand square miles but he definitely showed me who was numero uno in that particular piece of wilderness. I guess he was just having a bad day but he sure made my day go downhill in a hurry.
That's the best way to be with the law, they have the badge and the gun... Their right until you can prove other wise in a court. A lawyer passed on a secret to me years ago.

Have your lawyer request the court date set on the officer's day off. 99% chance he wont show... Ticket dismissed! :wink:
That's the best way to be with the law, they have the badge and the gun... Their right until you can prove other wise in a court. A lawyer passed on a secret to me years ago.

Have your lawyer request the court date set on the officer's day off. 99% chance he wont show... Ticket dismissed! :wink:

In some jurisdictions, the cop has to have all his cases scheculed on his day off anyway. At least that's the way it was in Macon, GA, back in the 1960s. If it is that way where one is ticketed, that method won't do any good - it has to be a day when he isn't off.
Just a note on the vids... I watched most of them, if not all of them, on the site. I laughed at first, but in the end... they all seem to follow the same pattern. They appear staged to me after watching more than one of them.
y'know - I keep seeing this thread - and all I can think of is I still have that can of beer for Jeremy sitting in my basement...
Not that was freakin' hilarious.:yum::applause:
Great site, Pretty woman video was perfect to send my wife for our 2nd anniversary tomorrow.