I finally started my pond

good job on that aerator!
and I still like your fish food fence.

our temps are supposed to drop back into the 80's starting tomorrow, I'm looking forward to that. 95 or better & 80+% humidity is just no fun.
good job on that aerator!
and I still like your fish food fence.

our temps are supposed to drop back into the 80's starting tomorrow, I'm looking forward to that. 95 or better & 80+% humidity is just no fun.
Thanks Erik!:respect:
One of the littlest channel cats died today. It really was way smaller (approx. 3 inches) than the 6-8 inches I ordered. I think it was the one that caught it's fin on the little net I :sorry:was using. Anyway, before I could get it out of the water..............................Booger got him some sushi.:eek:
hugs, Brandi
booger is a smart dog - channel cats are the best tasting fish around.
Well, I don't know.:rolleyes: Booger also ate the small perch, that came with the first Blue catfish, when we tossed them out and he got one or more of the Blue cats, that died, after I tossed them across the gully. Booger was the only puppy of the last litter of my Mama dog Ariel.:respect: Ariel's first litter only had one male, we named him Otis. Otis ate a stuffed crab, shell and all.:eek: I gave it to him thinking he would just eat the stuffed crab out of the shell. Was I wrong.:pat:
hugs, Brandi
I got the Tractor Supply Co. air diffuser (air stone) in the pond on Saturday. Boy does it work way better than an air hose coiled up with holes in it.
The pond is down about 3 feet
and I hope to get the shallow end cleaned out and resloped before the next hard rain.
Booger got snake bit in the photo below, yet is in excellant spirits.:blob_blue:
hugs, Brandi


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Booger is all over it now. We have never taken our large dogs in to a vet for snake bits. My Dad was a Texas A&M Veterinary Medicine major (and raised on a farm) when he enlisted in WWII. Dad taught me how to take care of dog wounds that a vet would put stitches in. You use liquid lard and turpentine on the large open wounds, twice a day.............while giving 10cc of penicillin a day for a week. Besides, if you go to www.vetinfo.com you can see that he says copperhead and water moccasin snake bites do not get any anti venom, which is all we have down here big enough to effect Booger that way. We do have Coral snakes....but I have only seen 2 of these in all my life. No Rattlesnakes here, which requires anti venom. Booger thanks Y'all for Y'alls concern.:tiphat:
hugs, Brandi
I'm surprised your pond is still low after the rain Saturday afternoon.
What rain??????????????? Since July my area has only recieved less than 2.5 inches. West and East of us got it all that time. It literally went around us since July.
How was the campout?
hugs, Brandi
campout was wet. :)
we had rain Thursday afternoon, Saturday afternoon (gully washer), and then off and on most of Saturday night - so I had to pack up the camp wet...
sorry we didn't make it over your way so you could meet Tara and she could meet Booger.
Booger is all over it now. We have never taken our large dogs in to a vet for snake bits. My Dad was a Texas A&M Veterinary Medicine major (and raised on a farm) when he enlisted in WWII. Dad taught me how to take care of dog wounds that a vet would put stitches in. You use liquid lard and turpentine on the large open wounds, twice a day.............while giving 10cc of penicillin a day for a week. Besides, if you go to www.vetinfo.com you can see that he says copperhead and water moccasin snake bites do not get any anti venom, which is all we have down here big enough to effect Booger that way. We do have Coral snakes....but I have only seen 2 of these in all my life. No Rattlesnakes here, which requires anti venom. Booger thanks Y'all for Y'alls concern.:tiphat:
hugs, Brandi
GREAT info Brandi. :thumb: We have copperhead in the area up here. How did you know it was a snake bite? Did you see it happen or by the wound alone?
campout was wet. :)
we had rain Thursday afternoon, Saturday afternoon (gully washer), and then off and on most of Saturday night - so I had to pack up the camp wet...
sorry we didn't make it over your way so you could meet Tara and she could meet Booger.
I heard heavy thunder 3 times Saturday, now that you mention it. It sounded like :hammer:. So sorry you had a wet time. It has been Chamber of Commerce weather ever since.
Hope you had a nice trip home.:17875: hugs, Brandi
GREAT info Brandi. :thumb: We have copperhead in the area up here. How did you know it was a snake bite? Did you see it happen or by the wound alone?
How do I know it was a snake bite? When I was about 15, our German Shaperd got snake bite................and that is what my Daddy told me happened. It is really the only thing around here that can make a large dog's neck swell like that. I love this critter............:blob_blue:.
hugs, Brandi
No worries - sorry i forgot you were home the whole time -- we'd have come and bugged you. :)
Trip home was fine - rolled through the cold front about Dallas and turned off the AC for the rest of the trip home. Monday I slept in then dried out all the gear & did 3 loads of laundry.
Glad to hear Bugger is better. Hopefully built up some immunity to it.
When I was about 10, we had a Shepard/Collie cross. He was bit somewhere around the head, (Can't remember where), & we thought he was dead & just forgot to quit breathing. A few days later he healed up fine. a while later he was bit again, with not near as much swelling. We knew of about 3 or 4 times he was bitten, then didn't even swell up. This dog would HUNT for a snake to kill. Fastest way to catch him was holler "SNAKE!!" -----------then watch him have fun with it.
The water level keeps going down.
I was hoping the thunder storm that dumped 2 inches in an hour on Lake Livingston (just northeast of us) would make it to us. It didn't. We only got 1/4 inch of rain this morning.

I got a shot of Booger down in the pond chasing frogs. Next to chasing squirrels, let loves doing this.
I don't know if he has caught any frogs, but has caught numerous toads at night and the toads always foam his mouth while Booger shakes his head sideways from the awful taste.

The second photo shows the underwater island starting to stick out of the water. This is about 4 and 1/2 to 5 feet higher than the bottom.
I shot it from the pier.

Third shot is from the opposite side showing the pier, the island, and the minnow hotel of cinder blocks. Far left in the weeds is the small forklift pallet for fathead minnow reproduction. Kind of a nursery.
I am told this kind of structure is best to keep them away from catfish.

As long as I aerate every night from midnight to about 10 am, the catfish only come up for food. Which I am feeding every other day now instead of twice a week. If they clean the food up in 15 minutes today, I will start feeding every day.

It seems the cats feed in two shifts.
The first 5 minutes the larger ones come up. Minutes 10-15, the smaller cats feed.

hugs, Brandi


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I completely understand - my pond was down 4 feet or better until we got 5-7" of rain last weekend - but that only added a foot to the water level and it's down 6-8" from that now.
had friends up a few days before the rain and their 6 year old was having a heyday catching sunfish on a bare hook - that's how bad the population pressure is right now.
At least I'm able to get down and chop out some of the willows growing on the bank - generally just far enough out in the water it's not worth wading to but currently high and dry.