It took my Mother dying to get me off my butt and dig my pond. The cementary she is buried in has a large pond with an island and several ducks and geese. Even a Mud Hen! So I told my daughter it was digging time. We had mallards when I was little and now I will have them again. Along with Channel Catfish. I thought I would be digging a lot of the pond with my backhoe. But too my surprise, I have dug down to about 5 feet with my 84 inch wide loader bucket. When the bucket gets full of clay, I see it just rolling over and over as I creep forward in low 1st gear. I could go deeper just using the loader bucket, but the pond basin is too small to turn around safely. I don't even have a tooth bar. The ML 275 KMW loader on my Mahindra 6520 4WD is absolutely a tough mule. I have heard all kinds of noises coming from it while moving full buckets of damp clay. Every day I rinse off the attachment welds and check for cracks........none so far. So I am now in the process of backhoeing about half the 30 x 60 foot pond out to a depth of 10 or 12 feet. I really haven't decided. I keep reading conflicting information on small pond depths.
hugs, Brandi
hugs, Brandi