Never really kept up, but we have several tractors on our dairy. None are newer than 1980, and all the real "working" tractors are Massey's. Just the one MF2745 gets about 120hrs a year just chopping silage, plus both 2745's get at least 40hrs/year each hauling manure from the pit.
Then the MF175 racks up about 200hrs/year scraping manure into the pit.
The MF285 racks up over an hour/day feeding silage, so at least 365 on her.
The MF1100 does most the corn planting, plus bush hogging...likely about 80 to 100hrs/year...forgot to add raking hours. The MF2745 does all the discbine use, plus mixing/pumping the manure pit, so about 75+hrs on her...forgot hay rolling time...another 25hrs or so.
The MF1100 does spray duties, plus corn grinder time, ...somewhere around 60hrs/year.
The Cat 910 payloader loads silage 2x/day for 1/2hr/day, plus silage packing for a yearly total around 280hrs/year.
Now this isn't all the hours, but most. Even divided by the 3 of us (Myself, Dad, & my Son)....
I think I have you guys beat!