How many hours do you average?


Well-known member
How many hours do you average on your tractor a year? When I bought mine, the salesman said for my needs I would not average over 50 hours a year. I just laughed. Well, I've had my TC18 for 6 years and now have approx. 290 hours. I guess he was right :pat:

So how many do you average?
2 years on the new 'Bota, and about 190 hours, and about 30 on the MF165, so avg. a little over 100 so far for the last 2 years, but it should be a bit more.............LIFE seems to get in the way of seat time.
I averaged about 200 to 250 hours a year on the B2400 until I got the L4740 almost 2 years ago. Right now it is coming up on 9 years old and has 1650 hours on it so its use has fallen to about 100 to 150 hours a year. It's still running like a champ. The L4740 has almost 200 hours on it but that was reduced because of the back problems I had last winter. So, over the last 9 years I have put about 1850 hours on two tractors.

I've also put about 100 hours on the M5700 at the farm this spring although lately I've been running the L4740 over there. There's no substitute for an a/c cab during the Texas summer.

The thing that gets me is this, I've obviously been working around the house and at the farm so how come I'm always so far behind????? :pat:
Mine has about 1011 hours in almost 6 years, about 168/year. The yearly average has crept up in the last few years.
I bought about the same time you did Jerry. I'm a little over 1100 right now. So that puts it at about 185 per year. Sad part is, I need to be using it a bunch more and get some things done, but it seems like there is always something else that needs done. I keep telling the wife, that I can't complete the Honey Do list if every time I get half way done with something she adds 3 more items to it, and each one of them takes higher priority than what I was working on. And she wonders why nothing ever gets finished.
My Projects are starting to wind down a little now , So I,ve sold a couple of the tractors I had over the last several years as well as some of the attachments . But in general weather permitting I,ve probablly averaged 4 to 5 hours a day between the 3 tractors I did have . Now down to just one Tractor & trying to buy another to replace it , Newer & much lower hours .

Mainlly Moving dirt from one end of the property to the other , Levelling , Digging a small pond & clearing along the river bank Making a 2 leveled Bank . Plus filling in with around 100 dumptruck loads of broken concrete along the washed out river bank the length of Our Property .

I,m sure I could have Hired it done a lot cheaper & it would have been done 100 times quicker , But I enjoy doing it Myself . Bob
For the first few years, I was around 100/year. Once the big chores got done, I'm down to about 50/year. The RTV also took away hours from the tractor as it's now the primary equipment for things like processing firewood.
I was in the 100 hour a year club for the first couple of years we were in the country. Land to clear, stumps to remove, grading, leveling, plowing, planting grass. I traded my B2910 in three years ago for the L3400. Two trips to the hospital since then and the 3400 has @50 hours on it.

The farm elves didn't come by while I was recovering so there are lots of things for me to do.

I keep telling the wife, that I can't complete the Honey Do list if every time I get half way done with something she adds 3 more items to it, and each one of them takes higher priority than what I was working on. And she wonders why nothing ever gets finished.

Yeah Jim, I know. But that little cutie you have would be worth the aggravation. :hide:
Never really kept up, but we have several tractors on our dairy. None are newer than 1980, and all the real "working" tractors are Massey's. Just the one MF2745 gets about 120hrs a year just chopping silage, plus both 2745's get at least 40hrs/year each hauling manure from the pit.
Then the MF175 racks up about 200hrs/year scraping manure into the pit.
The MF285 racks up over an hour/day feeding silage, so at least 365 on her.
The MF1100 does most the corn planting, plus bush hogging...likely about 80 to 100hrs/year...forgot to add raking hours. The MF2745 does all the discbine use, plus mixing/pumping the manure pit, so about 75+hrs on her...forgot hay rolling time...another 25hrs or so.
The MF1100 does spray duties, plus corn grinder time, ...somewhere around 60hrs/year.
The Cat 910 payloader loads silage 2x/day for 1/2hr/day, plus silage packing for a yearly total around 280hrs/year.
Now this isn't all the hours, but most. Even divided by the 3 of us (Myself, Dad, & my Son)....I think I have you guys beat!:biggrin:
I put the 2745 as discbine & hay rolling duties....should have been the MF2705. You guys would rack the hours up too if your living was made with them.
I know I'm late to the party , but I've only been a member a couple days and I promise I won't bring up real OLD Threads ...

I only have one Tractor and it does everything I need , Mowing/Snowplowing/hauling Firewood out of the Woods in the Utility Trailer/Yardwork , I've also got some seat time on it while looking for Morel Mushrooms in the Spring ... :beer:

It is a 2005 JD X595 (bought new) in January 2006 , it now has 640+ hours , so I average around 160 hours in the seat a year ... :thumb:

I know some forums complain if you bring up old threads, but not here. I have no problem with discussing and re-discussing an issue. I don't understand why other forums complain so much about the practice ...why keep the old thread if they are not there to be commented on and replied to? :confused:

..back on topic ... you have more hours on your 2005 model than I have on my 2002 model x595. The first few years I racked up lots of hours, then I got a ZTR for the mowing duties. One of the best moves I could have made, but it has cut down on my hours on the Kubota. I have around 370 hours on my kubota now.

I had 60 hours on the ZTR the 1st year, then my son left the key in the on position ...guess what? The hour meter ran the whole time the battery was draining. Dang it. So the hour meter now reads a few hundred hours more than it should. I doubt that any potential buyer will believe that, but I don't plan on selling it anyways. So no biggie.
So the hour meter now reads a few hundred hours more than it should. I doubt that any potential buyer will believe that, but I don't plan on selling it anyways. So no biggie.
If you know how many hours ahead it is and you know how much you drive each year, why not unplug it for that period and keep track of hours on paper for awhile?
Another option is to get a new hour meter and leave the key on for the period to get it back to the correct number.

Welcome to the forum x595!!
I,m sure I could have Hired it done a lot cheaper & it would have been done 100 times quicker , But I enjoy doing it Myself . Bob

My experience has been that if I hire it done, it usually costs me twice as much. And the reason for that is because I won't like something about what was done, and I end up re-doing it any way.