I'm toying with the idea of buying a milling machine, there is one on the cheap side locally.
Apart from the tooling (that only money can solve) its gotta be moved out of the workshop its currently in, onto a trailer, up the road, across the lawn, and into my workshop.
The getting it on the trailer, may be an issue. The mill probably weighs about a ton + or - and is very top heavy.
Any thoughts?
I'm thinking along the lines of making a dolly, lifting the mill a little at a time with jacks, sliding the dolly underneath, and winching it onto the trailer. Getting it off the trailer may be more exciting, as my workshop is on a slope.
Anyone done anything like this? I'm thinking it might be more effort than its worth.....
Apart from the tooling (that only money can solve) its gotta be moved out of the workshop its currently in, onto a trailer, up the road, across the lawn, and into my workshop.
The getting it on the trailer, may be an issue. The mill probably weighs about a ton + or - and is very top heavy.
Any thoughts?
I'm thinking along the lines of making a dolly, lifting the mill a little at a time with jacks, sliding the dolly underneath, and winching it onto the trailer. Getting it off the trailer may be more exciting, as my workshop is on a slope.
Anyone done anything like this? I'm thinking it might be more effort than its worth.....