How do I break loose some heavily rusted parts?


New member
I've all but finished restoring a 1953 Case VAC14. There is still one final adjustment that is kicking my butt, however. The adjustable, wide front end of this tractor must have been bumped out of position at some point many years ago because the two sides are not at the same angle. So, the solution seems to be a simple loosening of the clamps holding the pipe-within-a-pipe arrangement that allows the two front wheels to slide in and out. Over the many years that this tractor was sitting in the rain, these two pipes have become badly rusted and stuck as hard as nails. I've applied many different kinds of penetrating solutions - to no avail. Is there something else I can do to work these parts loose?

Thanks for any words of wisdom that you can offer.
Tried Kroil? If not, spray it down with Kroil and let it sit and spray it down and let it sit some more, then give it a shot.
I've not heard of Kroil. Is it something like PB Blaster? I've used that product on it for a couple of days now and was hoping it would help. I'll try to find some Kroil. Thanks for your help.
I've not heard of Kroil. Is it something like PB Blaster? I've used that product on it for a couple of days now and was hoping it would help. I'll try to find some Kroil. Thanks for your help.

Yep, Kroil is better than PB. Harder to find though.
Soak it in diesel and every once in a while tap it with a hammer to sit up vibrations that will help break the bond.
hugs, Brandi
I've all but finished restoring a 1953 Case VAC14. There is still one final adjustment that is kicking my butt, however. The adjustable, wide front end of this tractor must have been bumped out of position at some point many years ago because the two sides are not at the same angle. So, the solution seems to be a simple loosening of the clamps holding the pipe-within-a-pipe arrangement that allows the two front wheels to slide in and out. Over the many years that this tractor was sitting in the rain, these two pipes have become badly rusted and stuck as hard as nails. I've applied many different kinds of penetrating solutions - to no avail. Is there something else I can do to work these parts loose?

Thanks for any words of wisdom that you can offer.
hugs, Brandi
OK. Here is a picture:

Hmmm, I quoted your post and now I see the pic. Strange, but it worked. It's a forum issue didn't to anything wrong.
Actually, it just let loose. I had to put a chain on the lower part and attach it to a tree with a come along. Even that wouldn't do it, so I added a 4x4 and a small bottle jack to push from the back frame, too. Then, it finally gave way.

Thanks for all the suggestion here on the forum. It's great to have a place to trade secrets to these stressful problems.

Glad you got it broke loose. :thumb:

Thanks for all the suggestion here on the forum. It's great to have a place to trade secrets to these stressful problems.


I agree Harold. I love forums for just that reason. We all have things we know well, and other things we need help with. If we help when we can it sure makes it easier for the one needing a little assist.
I love it when a plan comes together and advice works out to a solution in the end. :thumb: :D
Cheers! :beer:
Heavily rusted parts

What I have found in the past is if possible, heat up the part with a torch and then let it cool, then spray some PB Blaster on it and let it sit 24 hours ocassionally spraying it now and again. Usually off it comes. I have also used Coke and Pepsi too with ok results.
If all else fails get a BIG HAMMER
:pat::pat::pat: HA HA! sorry I couldn't resist
Honestly I Use a lot of P B Blaster and like it. You can get it at just about any hardware or parts store around my area. Good luck!
Sounds like something I'll try to remember for the next time I have a stuck nut or bolt. I've used heat before but never heated then let it cool and apply the Kroil or PB blaster.
Glad you were able to break it free.

In the past I have used bottle jacks to take pins out and such. It is amazing how you can come up tight as you can, take a hammer and tap it and the vibrations will let it relieve a bit and take up the jack again.
Glad you were able to break it free.

In the past I have used bottle jacks to take pins out and such. It is amazing how you can come up tight as you can, take a hammer and tap it and the vibrations will let it relieve a bit and take up the jack again.
:thumb: Sounds like another good suggestion to me. If it was mentioned earlier in the thread I missed it.
I have used a hammer drill on the only hammer, not spin mode to remove bolts rusted into a sleeve-with the nut removed of course. It was a big bolt, about 1.25", so I used a 1/4" dirll bit to make an indentation in the end of the bolt so that the hammer drill bit would have something to sit in. The vibrations and lots of little hits did the job when me with a 5lb hammer working hard had no results.
Good thinking Brady!!!!! Sounds like another good potential solution. :thumb: