Honda generator doesnt


Active member
I picked up a Honda EX4000S generator which doesn't output anything from the gen head.

I cant find anything obviously wrong, and I have no idea what terminal does what so I cant test it.
It has sat for a long time before I got it.

I'd love to get it to generate, its a lovely bit of kit, its got remote starting and auto idle etc. Make a perfect standby or welding generator.
If it cant be fixed, not the end of the world, the engine is great still.

Any thoughts, or can anyone direct me to information on the wiring.
I looked around and couldn't find a manual. Honda's generator page won't come up for some reason.

I did find a place in the uk selling a new one for £3,243.00 but they are a little suspect.

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Jim, I had trouble finding a manual too.
The price sounds about right, they are pricey bits of kit. You can see why I would like it to work properly.

Paul, how do I tell, and how do I fix it? I have absolutely no information on it.

Mith (Paul, Jim, Dean),

Aren't we missing a few follow up posts here? Did we loose some data during the transfer when the site went down?
Yes, a few Mark. Doc is working his brain overtime to figure out how to mesh two databases together.
Hi Mith

Does this use a generator type head or alternator? Assuming alternator:

On the circuit board or nearby will be one to several large can electrolytic capacitors. Suspect each one of being bad. Every generator I've seen bad in the last few years was a bad cap.

I think the generators over there are just like ours slowed to 3000 RPM? To get 50HZ?

Think start and run caps on an AC induction motor. (For troubleshooting.)

Mark, I think we did lose some, I cant remember.....

Ted, I'll have to take a look at them. I'm not too hot on generators, so I'll take a couple pics so you can see what its like.
I just hope the PCBs arent sealed up and I can just replace the capacitors if they are indeed bad.
Dustville at the moment :D

Thanks for the links Jerry.

Why not scrap the generator and use the engine for your articulated machine?

Brian, the engine is only 10HP. I'm actually getting a quote on a 31HP engine for the artic today.

I got a picture of the head. the control panel is the box to the top left.


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Measure resistance from brush to brush. Number of OHMS??
Measure resistance thru the rotor windings themselves. Number of OHMS??
Added resistance thru the slip rings and brushes should add no
more than another 2 ohms.
Recheck your reading, then remove the brush block and use your meter probes to read directly from one slip ring to the other.
If there is more than 2 ohms difference, then you need to clean the slip rings and brush tips.
Cheers Paul, I'll check those out when I get the time.

We could have used the generator this morning, had a bit of a power cut. We have a 1.5KW set which worked fine, but it would have been nice to have a few more KW for the kettle.
We seem to be the only people up here with a generator, and for that reason, the only people with working freezer, heating and TV when the power is out :D
Well, Honda generator does now!

Paul, cheers, you were right on the money, got the readings and it was apparent that it needed a bit of cleaning up. Fired it up and the meter went straight to 250V :D

Everything works as it should, auto idle is a great feature, even the remote control works.

Cheers guys