We were at Sears the other night buying a couple of Garage Door Openers. We were asking about High Wheel String Trimmers. They had gone up in price a bit to about $350. When we went around back we notice they had a couple of the trimmer in the "clearance" section. These are basically returned for some reason or another. They had one used for $217 and one that didn't looked like it had been used for $236. I went back Saturday and bought the $236. Here is what it is: High Wheel Trimmer It was missing the oil that came with it, so I put some oil and gas in it. Tried to fire it up. Couldn't get it to start. So I gave up and figured that is why it was returned. Went in the house grab something to eat and was going to take it back. Thought I would try one more time. Pulled the string, fired up on one pull.
So I started using it. That sucker is probably the best running little B&S engine that I've seen in awhile. It was fairly smooth - not Honda smooth, but pretty smooth. I used it on our front road ditch. Normally it would take me a little over 2 hours with a handheld trimmer, with this I was just over an hour. Though it was a bit difficult getting it up and down the ditch. I'm not sure if I will keep using it there, but I can see using it next to the creek on our property. I tried to use it next to a tree - that was a mistake.
That sucker sucked itself into the tree and before I could get it off it had almost cut the tree down.
So it won't be used next to buildings or desirable trees.