Hi from Dixieland


New member

I put pretty much all there is to know about me in my profile. Hadn’t had time to look at much of the board yet, from what I’ve seem so far looks like you folKs have a great board going here. I’m looking forward to reading what you all have to say and looking at the pictures you post.
Hey John, Welcome to Net Tractor Talk! I'm glad you found us.
Hoping you'll share some pics of your 'toys' to. As you find ours feel free to add your pics to the threads. We all like pics.
Enjoy and post often. :thumb: :D
Yes, I was on MTF for a while. Got ejected. Getting ejected is a special kack of mine. With my experience, I think I can rightfully claim to be an expert. :wink: :rolleyes:
Welcome bro'. We don't toss many people out here. You could be the first. :yum:

Stick around and post some pictures of your own. We love pictures.
Yes nice call, I went for the 20 words back in o2....got it but I cant stand cw.in fact wont listen to it. Great buntch here bet you enjoy it here. later Jerry