Hey Mark! Are you ok?


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After reading about the breadth of Ike, I wondered if you were in its path.

Who else is on the gulf, or in this case, most of Texas too?
Brandi lives just north of Houston. They got a LOT of rain and wind in her area.

Mobilus is in north Texas, nw of Fort Worth. I don't know if they even got any rain there, the track was more to the east of him.

Seems like there are a few more folks close to Houston.

Our Houston friends may not get power back for a week or more, according to the item I herd on the news this morning. I pray that they all made it through OK,

Bimp!!! I just wanted to refresh this thread.

I understand that Mark' neighborhood was hit real hard, but his own damage was mostly a lot of down trees and the power still out.

Mark, are you back online yet?
Thanks for the update Chris. I've been worried about Mark. If power is still now no wonder we haven't heard from him. I bet he's keeping busy clearing stuff with his tractor. A hurricane like that can sure change your life.
Sorry, We Are OK, and thanks for checking on us!

Communications are very limited….phones only work a few hours during the day. I’m not sure why but, I suppose every snapped power pole that also carry the phone service lines are being severed and reconnected as they (Centerpoint energy) progress.

It’s day five without power and water…but we’re fortunate to have a decent generator with substantial power…many, many do not. After cursing, assessing our damage and cutting our way out (With one of my tractors-FEL-chainsaw) from our home to the street I did a slow recon around our neighborhood. A very small and older subdivision that consist of 186 homes with 2 to 3 acre lots. 88 of the 186 are nearly destroyed, uninhabitable, with only a few who sustained cuts and bruises. Many of us did a house to house search checking on the families, elderly and a few shut-ins. Those that didn’t ‘bug out’ are all present and accounted for….lots of post Ike shaky nerves.

Contrary to what you might have seen on the tube and those that vie for media attention AND who’ve complained about not enough variety in their MRE’s, not enough water and their ice too heavy to carry to their home (you know, the free stuff not getting them quick enough, blah blah blah), those people are a complete embarrassment to the remaining 99.9%.

I have helped, witnessed and participated with some real local hero’s….hoisting downed power lines (with nylon rope), slashing their way through downed trees and providing egress to those who have vehicles. They are now searching for fuel, food and checking on their missing family members. These same wonderful people (hero’s) you’ll never see on a camera or in front of a microphone.

For those that feel we were moderately ‘Stupid” for staying….well, that just wasn’t the case. We loaded up and waited for our turn to leave by designated zip codes. And then the window opportunity slammed shut and we were told to hunker down and weather the storm in place….

My lights are flickering and I need to refuel the Genny……more later, and again thanks for thinking of us. I’ll check in again as the opportunity presents itself.

Thank God you and Teresa are okay. I've been worried about you my friend.
Ike's remnants made it's way to Ohio on Sunday. We suffered some damage but nothing like you have. We still have thousands without power in the general vicinity.
Good to hear you & family came through ok. The trees & buildings can be rebuilt, but the old bod ain't as easy to rebuild as "The 6 Million Dollar Man" would have you believe. Louisville got hit hard with wind from the storm. Not like you guys though!
Speaking of people in harm's way, I've only seen one post from Brandi anywhere this month. Since she lives just north of Houston, I'm sure she was affected too. Anyone hears fron her, can you let us know?

My prayers go out to all my friends in Texas and other states impacted by Ike.

I got a couple emails from Brandi about her loader the last two days. She seems to be fine and asked if we got any rain from Ike.