Hand Throttle Kit w/ Mattracks


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<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2> Witnessed and Experienced first hand, RTV's with Mattracks today. First, I would like to thank one of our fellow members of this forum, jbiglane, for taking his time to spend the evening with me showing me his Mattracks and the performace they can do with the RTV's. He has both 900 & 1100 series units ~~~~~~</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2> There is something Iwant tosay about these machines he has rigged up for his applications, HE HAS THESE RTV'S SET UP PERFECT !!!! No doubt about it !!!!</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>He took me into the Rice Fields on his Plantation, they are flooded , and running in the rice fields that has been double-disked, was a experience in itself. These tracks on these machines will impress anyone. I've read and talked to folks that has these Mattracks, but being in the cab, running these machine with these track accessory, is something that really got my attention. Also, we run into flooded woods , the machine didn't even act like we were in anything !!!!!</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2> Now, let me say this, after talking to jbiglane, he told me something that was suprising to me. He stated that Mattracks wasn't worth a dime without the Hand Throttle Kit. He's had run tracks before ona Kubota RTV, and even sold a RTV for he explained that the machine didn't have enough torgue with-out it. </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Then, later on after finding out the information, on other RTV's , he installed the Throttle Kits, said if he would have known all about this, he would have never sold one of his other units .........</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>After running his machine, and setting the thottle set, and using the pedal to engage the transmission. And listening to him showing me the proper way to use the Throttle Kit. That machine had so much more power, for the RPM's are already up and the hydro-pressure is already up, once you press the pedal, that thing cannot do nothing but go !!!I just thought my RTV 900 had power, and until experiencing what he taught me today, I just thought mine was strong until I drove his. So, my next accessory, going to install the Kubota Hand Throttle Kit # 4241 >>>>> </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2> This kit is the set - and - locking type, not just the pull up style that goes back down when you let it go. The locking type sets your RPM up, and stays set, and keeps your hydrastatic pressure up at ALL TIMES ....</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2> In my applications, I don't need Mattracks, but I'm still getting the Hand Throttle Kit, and would advise anyone who has these tracks, to go install you a Locking Throttle Kit , are you fixing to have the surprise of your life ~~~~~~~</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2> <FONT face=JohnHancock color=#ff0000 size=5>Two Guns </FONT></FONT></DIV>


<FONT size=4>I am ahead of you by one day. I bought the kit about a month ago and just put it on last night. Itwas very cold today so I didn't get to play with it much today.BTW we only got 3" of snow in that storm so no pics will be coming your way.</FONT></P>


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Two Guns, </P>

I am not quite clear on this. Are you saying to put the machine in gear, then throttle up the hand throttle to the point of just about moving the machine and then use the gas pedal to have instant power?</P>

I have an 05' and 08' 900, what would my benefit be by installing this if I don't have Mattracks? More power or instant power?</P>


I have used the locking throttle system for a few months. I use it when climbing hills or when I am running in snow. I feel that their is a change in the power curve when using the accelerator to control speed and tourqe. The only problem is slowing at the right time when yyou get into snow that will lift the 900 off the ground (don't ask how I know) and then you shovel for a while. My better half has not accepted the engine running at a high speed at all times - I take her on the loader tractor and then she follows the concept.</P>

I had the throttle installed when I purchased the 900.</P>




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With the machine in " N " , pull upthe hand throttle and lock it up. RPM's will be high, put it in gear, and then you use you pedal as normal >>>> This keeps your hydro pressure up all the time. Machine don't have to work it's way up, for it's already there.... Engine brake works the same as normal. Engaging into another gear is normal. If it don't want to go into a gear, just mash the brake pedal, and the machine goes into any gear you want.... This does make this machine have more power, I would have never believed it myself, but today, I experienced it myself ..... This subject is very hard to explain, figured it is going to bring out some questions that I cannot answer, only thing I honestly know is, it works, and it works great for the Mattracks. I might not need as much power as some folks running tracks, but if I feel like I want it, I know how to pick it up without getting into that pump !!!</P>

Thanks to Mr.jbiglane, he showed me and explained the concept of the whole set-up ........ </P>

This is probobly like theengineeringof a helicopter, it was not suppose to fly >>>>> but now, we all know better !!!! </P>

<FONT face=Arial size=2> </FONT><FONT face=JohnHancock color=#ff0000 size=5>Two Guns </FONT></P>


I have to wonder how the axle,drive shaft and etc handle the extra torque? there have been numerous issues with people replacing ujoints and etc as the RTV is now.


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Like you Mr. Bass, thought about some of them questions myself. But after talking to this gentleman, and seeing how much researce he has put into these before he purchased all of his tracks, He sounds to feel pretty comfortable with the way they are set up... And seeing what I did see today, I honestly don't think there will be any problems with any of the exrta torque ...</P>

Maybe he will jump in and give some pointers on this subject.... He's pretty up to date on all this !!!</P>

<FONT face=Arial size=2> </FONT><FONT face=JohnHancock color=#ff0000 size=5>Two Guns </FONT></P>


<FONT size=4>Yes an 1100 can have a hand throttle.</FONT></P>

<FONT size=4>When you stop to think about it the Kubota tractor's that are hydro's have only a hand throttle.</FONT></P>

<FONT size=4></FONT></P>





Looks & sounds good to me. Comparing it to a tractor with a hand
throttle (like they all have) makes a lot of sense...I have never
thought of it that way. However, I would only do it when conditions
demand it i.e. in rice patties, mud, snow...etc.

I really want to drive a RTV with tracks! [H]


New member
The rtv that TWO GUNS was driving was the the one in the pictures I posted earlier. It is 2004 900model.</P>

To answer a few questions that have asked:</P>

We have 2 1100 rtv and each came with hand throttle but the cable would not lock. You had to hold the cable outtomake it work. It is my understanding that Kubota does not make a locking hand throttle kit for the 1100 yet. So we purchase 2 900 kit made them work without much problem.</P>

We have used the hand throttle on tire rtv and it works just like the tracks rtv. I agree with Jerry that their is a change in the power cruve. I also believe that the tracks being on the rtv changes the power cruve more. I also belive that the power curve on my900 rtv is different from the 1100 rtv.</P>

When we drive the rtv with the hand throttle on themwe can hear a different sound when the rtv starts to bog down, when this happen we either let up on the foot pedal or pull the hand throttle out to increase the RMP.</P>

We have had not axial problems so far. We have had to replace the boot covers on the cv joints.</P>





On the average when using the hand throttle how many RPM's do you try to run, 1/4, 1/2 or full. I do not have an RPM meter so I am just trying to get a feeling for it.


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I start of at about !/2 throttle and increase as the coditions change.I do not have a tack(rpm meter) on any of ourrtv. We do it all by sound and feel. </P>

My farm manger and myself were working on one of the 1100 today and believe that we can connect the lockable hand throttle cablelike the handcable on 1100 was put on at the factory there bymaking it possible to use either method but we have not had time to try it yet.</P>





This may have been said already...the new 1100s have a hand throttle and lock. FYI

<font size="5">Sorry, just read the previous post more carefully....</font>


Yeah, the OEM hand throttle only raises the RPM about 750 or so RPM above idle or approx. 1/2 throttle...that's mainly to just run the A/C efficiently while sitting still. The OEM kit could be enough to help for some situations, but the RTV900 kit is nicer/better and gives you the full range of RPM up to full throttle.


Since the engine is governed, I think you can run the rpm's at full tilt. When running in deep snow I usually run at about 3/4 speed. When I first started using the throttle (after reading about it in the forum), I ran it like my loader tractor at about 90-95%. I now run it to full (after warm-up) and back off a little. I think you will be able to set your engine rpm after using it in your situations.</P>

<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">I have a question, what range did you guys use (L, M H) when you traveled with the mattracks through the swamp and did it smoke much? Also when you were on the hard pack and drove into the mud did it bog down much?</P>


We got 4 " of new snow last night and today it is in the 30's. So me and "Wilma" (RTV) went for a cruise and tried out the new hand throttle that I installed 2 days ago. Its is every bit as got as it is claimed to be. I did notice that I did not always stop just where I thought that I would.I attribute this to the slow down feature that is in the tranny. I may have had the RPM's set a little too high for going thru the trees. It did work very well and I will be using it a lot in the furture.


New member
tried the hand throttle idea yesterday on our 1100, for now its just a pair of vice grips and it does make a noticeable difference plus the pedal is easier to push.