Growth spurt


Staff member
GOLD Patron
Well, our little growing spurt caught be by surprise without enough bandwidth. :hide:
I'm embarrassed.
And last night I got off the computer early, otherwise I would have seen the messages a few of the staff sent to me. Major screw up on my part. Normally near the end of the month I'll keep an eye on the bandwidth stats because they are the one thing that will stop us dead in our tracks.

I upgraded and we'll be good to go thru the end of the year at least....maybe longer.

I apologize to all for the inconvenience. We finally get things rolling pretty good here and something like this happens. Not a good way to start a Monday. I need a :beer: or two. :D
Yeah....we got the message ".........Exceeded Bandwidth blah blah blah...". I knew it was just a hiccup that you'd fix ASAP.

I know what you mean Doc. With everything else going on this morning I started out to work and ended up getting stuck in Circleville. The car broke down. Had to have my Dad come and get me. At least I was at Burger King so I got breakfast.:D Decided I was going to try to work from home via the air card from work. Now there is a problem with the VPN and I can't get in. Oh well, guess I'll get ready to go into my buddy's shop so we can hop in his rollback and go get the car.
I know what you mean Doc. With everything else going on this morning I started out to work and ended up getting stuck in Circleville. The car broke down. Had to have my Dad come and get me. At least I was at Burger King so I got breakfast.:D Decided I was going to try to work from home via the air card from work. Now there is a problem with the VPN and I can't get in. Oh well, guess I'll get ready to go into my buddy's shop so we can hop in his rollback and go get the car.

Just goes to show, no matter how bad your morning starts out, someone somewhere is having a much worse morning.
Hope you get the car going and your VPN stuff worked out Jim.
Also forgot to add, while I was at Burger King I discovered I've lost my Debit card - or at least misplaced it somewhere in the move to the trailer. If I haven't found it here in a couple of hours I'll call and report it lost. I think I give up.

BTW, the VPN issue appears to be a Citrix/Microsoft issue over a dial-up connection on Vista. It treats the air card as a dial-up connection. Just keeps gettin' better & better.
The week looks like it is ending better than it began. I found my Debit card this morning - I hadn't reported it yet because I was pretty sure it was in the house and I think I have a work around for the Vista/VPN/Air card issue. We'll see.....
Good. Glad to hear that Jim. I've had that happen and it's not fun. I've always found mine also. :hide:
I do think they like to hide from us once in awhile. :eek:
I do think they like to hide from us once in awhile. :eek:
Maybe they just want some "private time" with the remote control who seems to like to disappear as well. :whistle:

Glad you found it!!
Maybe they just want some "private time" with the remote control who seems to like to disappear as well. :whistle:

Glad you found it!!

I dontwant to talk about the remote. Was sitting in my chair and couldnt find it. Hollered at my better half, she didnt know and said she hadnt had it. I said she had it last. She said I hollered at my son. He said he hadnt had it. Was getting steamed. STood up to go outside and do some work and happend to look down. I had been sitting on it. :pat::hide:

You dont wanna know what the wife had to say.:fight: