Greetings from Upstate New York


New member
Hello all....... Just found your forum and decided to add it to my daily stops.
We have a Brockway tractor that Dad left behind that we cherish and also a T1030 SCUT New Holland with the normal attachments. And then there's the five lawn tractors that just got put away for the winter.
Hi SARG!!!! Welcome to Net Tractor Talk!!!!!! :thumb: :tiphat: I'm glad you found us, and we'll be a regular stop on your carousing the internet. :D

That Brockway is a neat old tractor for sure. :thumb:

Are you ready for some snow up your way? It won't be long I'm afraid until the white stuff will start flying. What kind of snow removal equipment do you have?

Enjoy and post often. :thumb: :D
Last year I purchased a 51" 3 pt Blower for the New Holland to use instead of the ole walk behind MTD. I found out a couple things last year when we had the 3 consecutive storms that left over 50 inches of the wet white crap all over.

The first was I really need more practice with the FEL because I scratched up the blacktop bigtime. That the "plastic pipe over the cutter edge" of the FEL is a futile effort and lastly .............. the metric shear bolt holes really needed to be drilled out to the standard ¼" so I could keep a larger stockpile of backups on hand. Went through probably a dozen because the snow was so wet & heavy.

Hopefully this year will be a little less difficult to clean up.

Anyway ...... I appreciate the welcome.
Welcome to the forum!

What ballpark area of the state are you? I used to live south of Buffalo and have family scattered between there and the finger lakes.

Is your snowblower mounted on the FEL? Something I did to a push-behind blower years ago which worked very nicely was to mount thin tires to the outside which kept the blower from scraping or picking up stone. For my application, a couple of bicycle training wheels worked very nicely (all bracketing removed so the tires were up close to the blower frame). Would a heavier duty version of that setup help at all?
It's a rear blower mounted to the 3 point hitch. In a "normal" winter storm it should work well.

We had two 10hp and one 13hp MTD walk behinds two years ago. The large 13 horse tank was just too large to use comfortably and usually resulted in a sore back. The ten horse are excellent for the small storms ..... and they don't chew up the blacktop.

We are located about 25 miles south of Albany.