GPS for Spraying ..etc

Hey Border, what do you think of the GPS? Was looking for a cheap system like that, what do you think so far and where did you get it?

Hey Border, what do you think of the GPS? Was looking for a cheap system like that, what do you think so far and where did you get it?

I really like s-lite for spraying! I sprayed after dark and didn't miss a bit one evening. I really like the way it is easy to set the width too. I don't think I could plant with it though. It is simple to use . It basically has a set of light bars much like the NBC peacock and dead on is in the middle.As you drift when driving the lights to the left or right light up telling you which direction to go. I bought mine from but it appears he is out of stock on todays date. Check on ebay .I saw one there for less than $800.The only problem I had was my fault- I let some patches of trees throw me off and then the GPS thought I wanted to skip over and "told" me to go to the next swath over since I turned too wide . On my swaths , I had it set for 32' and my sprayer only put out 30' good and heavy so I had 2' strips of yellow top in places till I discovered the error of my ways and reset it. Oh. I also saved a ton of $ being so much more accurate than eyeballing. I got a lot more sprayed to boot. One problem with it that I have on the open air tractor is the suction cup mounting just don't trust it at all.- I rigged up a better method of securing it. Be sure you get a current model if you get one. bordercollie
We have a tractor with JD RTK and was looking for something cheap to use on my Ford Ranger spray rig. Do you just use the WAAS or E-Dif?
I use the free WAAS. When I power it on , it takes a few minutes to find the sats but then it will display that it is tracking anywhere from 7 to 10 of them. If you are in North America then WAAS should do fine. By the way, a nice feature of this unit is that if you go over an area already done ,then it will light up and let you know. bordercollie
Here are a few pictures I took of the S-Lite in action. Basically :
I am adjusting the swath for the weed wiper.
It 's letting me know I am on the right path with the long row of yellow lights . The red lights on top edge of the "peacock"tells me that I am off coarse and to go left as indicated by the lights.
If a red light is displayed in the top right by the tractor emblem,then you have gone over that area before.

I would not use this to plant rows.I would use it to broadcast seeds , fertilizer, and herbicides. It you have a small turning area like 10 ft or less, it will get confused on which "row" you are on if you turn to far over to the next path and guide you on that one. bordercolllie


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Thanks for the update. rtk will do the same as far as path confusion. With the RTK you get to a 45* angle of the line you want , push the button and it autosteers and off you go. We skip a row on tight turn arounds and it helps a lot.