THANKS BC............
HUGE subject here with a few must do things to observe.
There are goats and then there are show goats. Yes, one can get something at the livestock auction and do well; but really pretty rare now adays. This has become a specialty among breeders and the standards are really pretty high so buying just a goat to show is really hard at the auction.
I WANT YOUR CHILDREN TO BE SUCCESSFUL and really get into this. If they do, it will be a true joy for YOU. As you dont state how old your children are I will go with perhaps 9 to 10? Perfect age for beginning to assume responsibility for critters. If it is YOU doing it, not worth the time. If it is you guiding them through the problems, then it is fantastic.......
There are several breeds of goats that show. Nubian, Boer (predominant), and Kiko, among others. Definately worth joining one of the organizations, ABGA or IBGA to be eligible for their judging/shows.
What class are you going to show in? Classes are based on a lot of things. I would suggest percentage weathers. These are neutered males. This will make you eligible for MOST shows. Inside of this are age of goat classes. 3 month, 6 month, 9 month, 12 month, 2 year, and senior. You want to be at the top of the age range when the show happens. In other words taking a 4 month old goat and entering it in the 6 month class will have it showing against 6 monthers and it will NOT show well. The 6 monthers will be totally outclassing it.
LOTS to consider...........................
I suggest you talk to the FHA or 4H leader and see the direction/shows they have lined up................That will determine the class/breed/ is really not a bad way to go. Weathers at 9 to 10 months are a for sure way to get your money back at auction if you need to get your money back.............
Now, maintenance...............
They need shelter from the rain.....A lean to or tarp is adequate......Cold is ok but not rain...........Fencing is mixed.........We use 5 strand electric and woven wire. When we began years ago, we ran the woven; but we have MANY acres of pasture that we use just electric and have NO problems. Actually with the woven wire we end up running at least one strand of electric about goat waist high to keep them from rubbing and scratching themselves on it.........Electric DOES work well. Yes, if you end up getting some kind of range/brush goat they WILL go through it like butter. Typically though we are more than satisfied with electric....
YOU NEED A GUARD DOG..........Hopefully 2.........Yes, you can get by well with nothing, but the first time a local feral/pit bull/dobie or just a stray pack get into your pature/pen you will find out why..............
Worms are the goats worst enemy and they are caused by the condition that you describe you are going to keep them. A dry lot with NO grass is so much better for them than over grazed nubs of grass...........Intestinal worms live on short grass when the goat eats this they injest the larva of the worm.............Goats do well on a bare ground lot with bermuda, alfalfa, or a protein type hay...........THEY ARE BROWSERS.......Yes, a feed/mineral supplement is necessary..........
A pasture that includes vines, brambles, poison ivy, small trees, brush is FANASTIC......Goat Candy........They do well in the same pasture with horses or cattle as they eat what the other doesnt............
We even put temp electric fence outside our regular fence line on the hiway right of way to clean up the fence line and areas where the state/county doesnt maintain.....Cheap pasture..........
Anyway.........hope this clears up some confusion without opening MORE doors.......just thoughts........God Bless........Good luck....proud that you are taking on this project WITH your children........YOU WILL BE GLAD..........Dennis