Got a new shooter for Christmas


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GOLD Patron
I've already had a chance to try her out. Shoots a little high to the left but that is easily corrected. Nice and light, very easy to carry and conceal.

I've already had a chance to shoot one varmint with it. :D The ammo that came with it is quite different than I've ever used before. It had one recommendation with it advising to put a thin coat of flour over each casing. I have not tried that yet.

Pretty fun really, but can get messy, especially if there is more than one of this particular type of gun in the same room.

Here is a pic of the gun and the ammo:



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I got socks! All I've asked for the last two years was a Barret.:whistling:Guess that ain't happenin. Your gun looks a lot more practable, cheaper to shoot and a whole lots of fun!:tiphat:
The problem with that type of "weapon" is that it gets you INTO more sticky messes then it gets you OUT of. At least, if you don't kill something with it, when the hunt is over, you can eat the ammo.....
High and left would normally indicate a trigger pull issue ........ but since it doesn't have a trigger ...... perhaps Kraft would be better ammo.