Giving it a try

Since I have had little luck with previous tractor-type forums, I swore off them for some time. I found this one while searching for a solution for a problem with my tractor. I see several old familiar names, and most of the names I see are ones I considered "good guys", so I'll give it a try.

For those who recognize my login name, some things have changed, but a lot of things are the same. I still have my TC18, ridden hard and put away wet, and have added a Bobcat X320 mini excavator. I still have my 5 acres in Okeechobee, FL, but never built the house on it. My daughter and her family, who lived next door, moved away due to jobs and we took over her house and 2.5 acres, so we now have 7.5 to play with.

Some of you know that I came down with a serious heart problem 5 years ago, and the report is that I not only survived, I have improved dramatically. I still have reduced heart function, have never had a bypass, just got a new implanted defibrillator because the battery on the old one wore out, but I'm now able to work on projects, as long as I rest.

I'll spend a little time looking around and getting caught up on this site, but as long as politics are kept out of it, I may stick around.

I thought they must have run you out of the country.
Hope all is well!
BTW CB is not at FF now so all is safe.
Yep, CB is out until next March. Been kinda quiet at times for sure. I miss him. Hope he comes back .. but ya never know.
Don, Ca is putting up a good front on FF and could use a little help if you were so inclined. :D :beer:
Sheesh, Doc, you trying to give Don another heart attack?

Don, I miss your insight but tempers are just wound too tight over there. I don't think it would be in your best interest, really.

Besides, what the liberals are doing mostly is watching the Limbaugh/Beck/etc - led loons make fools of themselves. It doesn't take much to get them started ... :D
I think my sig line alone (over there) raises some people's blood pressure to where they can't write coherently! :D :D

And please. Everybody. Lets leave politics over there and tractors/peaceful rural life over here. It's nice to have a calm place to relax in.
now if we could just convince Big Al to check in on this site - so we can get updates on his Idaho project...
Yep, I agree Erik. Wish I knew a way to make it happen. It's all up to Al and OkeeDon if they want to be part of these communitys. We miss em for sure.