Giant Destroyer

This a old post I know but cant resist.
I have seen my brother :14_6_12::boom::boom:do some crazy stuff with gasoline pouring it down holes and lighting it, what ever is in the holes comes out.
A good dose of oxy & acetylene and light it off will work too!
Anyone have problems with those nasty ground moles? They leave tunnels and earth mounds all through the lawn. I know they are after grubs to eat. There are all sorts of traps, gizmos, and pellets and sprays to eradicate the buggers. I've tried the traps... They work but you get so few of theme. I've also used the GRUB - X from Lowes with some success, but it's expensive. Don't laugh all at once, but has anyone tried putting small pieces of Jucy Fruit gum down in their tunnels? Supposedly the ground moles can't digest it and plugs them up. Maybe just an urban legend, but I am ready to try it.
I don't care if they live in the woods but when they dig my lawn they are fair game.
Here in southern Alabama most ranchers keep donkeys to keep coyotes away. Donkeys will chase and kill coyotes if they catch them. And donkeys don't scare away other predators that feed on rodents, such as snakes, bobcats and house cats. I agree with the gentleman who said that the dogs are the problem.
I was told by a friend that the moles are there for grubs and slugs. He said to spred salt (I think he used rock salt, Not too much).
The salt kills the slimey buggers, nothing to draw moles anymore.
The attached could also work and give a bit of entertainment while using it - - video pretty much explains it all.