Funnel Tip in Fuel Tank


New member
ok ... so it was a long weekend with the RTV doing hard work on a lot of chores. My neighbor helped out and really liked the machine and he is thinking of buying one. I told him he could borrow it for a few days to check it out. I decided to gas it up. My regular funnel was not handy so I grabbed another one, but I did not realize it has an extension that apparently comes off. So, I stick the thing in the tank, fuel it to almost full, remove the funnel and then I see this 6 inch red funnel extension tip floating in the tank. I tried to retrieve it with a stick, but no luck. I am going to get some type of grab it tool asap, but will this thing do any damage if I cannot get it out?</p>


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Don't see will it would hurt anything..... but like you, I would not like the idea of something in my tank. Best thing I would do issiphon the fuel outor run it really low, that way the piece that is in there would be easier to get ahold of instead of it floating off while in the process ofgetting theobject out.That is just my two cent's worth >>>></p>

Wonder if a young arm and hand would reach in there andget ahold >>>> something to think about >>>></p>

.......... two guns </p>


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although it's not gonna really hurt anything it's still a good idea to get it out of i don't know how the fuel guage works it could possibly jam that thing up.</p>


Gold Site Supporter
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John Russell, I have had a weekend like that many times. A thin coat hanger type wire with a small "Fish hook" type bend on one end might work.I have actually got my arm down in the Kubota zero turn tank to fiddle with the float in it but that RTV won't let me reach very far. On the RTV, I think the area you want to stay away from is on the far end . You should be able to see the top of the sensor on top of the tank just under the seat . Better yet, since the funnel floats ,why not try parking it on an incline so that the piece floats near the neck opening and hook it there? Good luck , Bordercollie</p>

muleman RIP

Gone But Not Forgotten
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Get yourself a a mechanical finger to grab it. Napa should have a set. They have a flexible shaft and 3 or 4 metal fingers on the end operated by a plunger push button to open and close them. I have 2 sets. They are great for retrieving a dropped bolt or nut in tight quarters. If you know a nurse or doc maybe you could get a set of extended tweezers or forceps. I use those also where my big hands won't go.</p>


New member
Thanks for replies ... things almost went from bad to worse when i thought about putting my medium size hand through the opening, but fortunately I did not try that. I could just see the local fire department trying to get my hand out of there. I will try the Napa part mentioned (mechanical finger) and go from there. Your collective wisdom/experience helps! Thanks. JR</p>



D&D Farm

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Kinda sorta the same thing happened to me a while back. Was using one the Obama certified fuel containers that are designed to HAVE to use 3 hands to operate with a nozzle that comes off just by looking at it. They are all that TSC now carries........anyway........Was fueling up and rested the nozzle on the lip of the tank......moved just a bit and the durn thing just popped off and went in the tank.</p>

There was that foot long nozzle floating around in there. Got my handy dandy mechanical fingers as mentioned above but they wouldnt grab the end and HOLD. Then I got the grab it device that old folks use to pick up things or you sometimes see folks picking up cans with. Between the 2 I was able to finally hold it from slipping away with the big can pickerupper and then get a grip with the mechanical fingers and pull it out. By the way, parking it so that the sun is shining over your shoulder saves having that 4th or 5th hand holding the flashlight...........</p>

Anyway, patience works.........Dennis</p>

muleman RIP

Gone But Not Forgotten
Gold Site Supporter
You know this is AMERICA, so why does nobody carry a real flexible spout fuel can anymore? I have been to 4 different supply places and nobody carries anything but these stupid valve cap cans anymore. They have done away with any of the old style. If anyone knows where to get them please post it.</p>


Gold Site Supporter
Gold Site Supporter
Amazon has a few gas cans . One is metal and really expensive but has a flex metal spout. and there are several others. It is fun to look anyway.


Senior Member
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Thought about a military jerry can, with a spout, would be much better on the pocket book >>>></p>


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We use these all the time down here, they are the best fuel cans on the market!!!! Easy to handle >>>></p>

....... twoguns </p>


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them metal cans are nice and they will probably outlast the rtv or whatever you are fuelingup .if you do spring a leak just pop out the torch and braze it and your good to go again.</p>


New member
With a lot of patience, trial and error the funnel tip was retrieved using a mechanical finger. I am always on the search for a better way to fuel the tank! Thanks JR</p>