Fuel Management


I ran it for over a year straight and never had an issue on any of my equipment but I did shorten my filter intervals but even after that i could go 10,000 miles on my Duramax Fuel Filter and never had a problem.. May have something to do with who the supplier is also, clean fuel can be an issue.!


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This will be an interesting issue to follow. Corn is being booked so high now I don't see how bio- diesel will be affordable this coming year.. Corn gluten has went up from 95$ a tonlast June/July to 150$ ton in Jan. We booked over 200 tons this summer at the lower price but can't buy now at any price.Our neighbor is very happy with prices for corn futures. He had the same problem as Two Guns with the grain trucks. You wouldn't believe how much of that corn is being shipped to China.He istrying out a blend of diesel made from used cooking oil and says with gov incentives it will save him over $20,000in fuel costs. Only catch , it doesn't work so good inolder tractors.Oh, He went to look at an 1100 today! Bordercollie[&][&]


Bczoom: you are way down south by pittsburgh. It is a little warmer
down there than up here on the NY-Pa. border. the biggest thing with
bio-fuel is the pour point . we have had great success running it in
oil boilers as long as the tank is inside. however this year the price
drove even me to switch to a outside wood boiler. I haul a dump truck
load of cherry slab wood from my amish neighbors mill for $25 a load.
get the same btu's as about a tank of propane for 5% of the price. one
of the reasons i went with propane was the gelling of fuel up here. my
rtv has never failed to start but it takes forever to warm up and get
moving in the real cold temps. i keep mine inside along with the skid
steer but the plastic tank does not get nearly as cold as the steel one
on loader. Bill B.


[quote user="muleman2"]Bczoom: you are way down south by pittsburgh. It is a little warmer down there than up here on the NY-Pa. border. the biggest thing with bio-fuel is the pour point . we have had great success running it in oil boilers as long as the tank is inside. however this year the price drove even me to switch to a outside wood boiler. I haul a dump truck load of cherry slab wood from my amish neighbors mill for $25 a load. get the same btu's as about a tank of propane for 5% of the price. one of the reasons i went with propane was the gelling of fuel up here. my rtv has never failed to start but it takes forever to warm up and get moving in the real cold temps. i keep mine inside along with the skid steer but the plastic tank does not get nearly as cold as the steel one on loader. Bill B.

I am a lot farther north in NY than your and the fuel don't gel here. All on road diesel fuel up here in the winter is mixed 50% kerosene and 50% fuel oil. Also fuel oil for you house furancedoesn't gel hauling it around in the delivery truck does it. I have an outside tank for #2 fuel oil at my garage and it don't gel( see previous post).</P>

ez chair

The only time I gelled was when I had "summer" (straight #2) fuel in my backhoe and forgot to treet. Outside temp was about 15*.The hoe stopped dead in its tracks as the gelled fuel won't go through the filters. Change filters as wax plugs the filter paper. Tarp tent around hoe, space heater to warm unit up, generator to run space heater.Froze my ***!Learned my lesson, in 30 years never did that again! I can second your post, Deerlope, in 40 years of running diesels in temps down to -20* I have never gelled with winter 50/50 mix. I agee the tranny is stiff until it warms up. Any one know if Kubota's fluid is synthetic?


We're told that large portions of Super UDT are synthetic, but not 100%.</P>


[quote user="ez chair"]The only time I gelled was when I had "summer" (straight #2) fuel in my backhoe and forgot to treet. Outside temp was about 15*.The hoe stopped dead in its tracks as the gelled fuel won't go through the filters. Change filters as wax plugs the filter paper. Tarp tent around hoe, space heater to warm unit up, generator to run space heater.Froze my ***!Learned my lesson, in 30 years never did that again! I can second your post, Deerlope, in 40 years of running diesels in temps down to -20* I have never gelled with winter 50/50 mix. I agee the tranny is stiff until it warms up. Any one know if Kubota's fluid is synthetic?[/quote]</P>


Diesel fuel here in the winter cost more because of the mixture.</P>