Fuel Management


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[quote user="TWO GUNS"]


Noticed you said several times threw the threads, that you use the " POWER SERVICE " additive, it this a special blend, special dealer product, or what, does this help your fuel that is sitting up awhile stay " spunky " >>>>>> Where do you purchase this product >>>>>.? Please tell me more about this additive ~~~~~~</p>

Thanks, ~ ~~~ jamie</p>[/quote]

Product details are at their web site
It van be purchased at most any major car-parts store or other establishments that sell similar products (e.g. NAPA, Pep Boys, Advance Auto,...)


Cold here this morning at 6AM was defined at minus 21 f below zero. At temps like that you best have your diesel cut 50/50 or have power service in it.


[quote user="Deerlope"] Cold here this morning at 6AM was defined at minus 21 f below zero. At temps like that you best have your diesel cut 50/50 or have power service in it.[/quote]</P>

At them temps you better have it cut for sure so when it does warm up to ZERO it will start. If it is not necessary I don't even start things up when it gets cold like that. I know I should have heaters on them (truck, tractor and the RTV) but don't so I avoid it if possible.</P>

The truck stop where I get the truck filled up guarantees "you go or they pay the tow". I have not had a problem with that fuel. I did have an issue early last winter with the tractor. I had fuel in it from summer and it jelled up. Had to get the heat on it and in about an hour it was running. Needless to say I got some addative in it right away.</P>






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Dammit ~~~~ It does get chilly up there.... Wind blowing and it that cold, I would have to wear my beer goggles >>>>></P>

Down here, the deer seems to only move when it's cold, that why I made that statement earlier >>></P>

Bet the deer never quits moving up there >>> </P>


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[quote user="rapracing"]At them temps you better have it cut for sure so when it does warm up to ZERO it will start. If it is not necessary I don't even start things up when it gets cold like that. I know I should have heaters on them (truck, tractor and the RTV) but don't so I avoid it if possible. [/quote]
Ahhh, the perfect reason (and why I run) heaters on the engine and tranny. When it goes below zero, I plug them into a timer that clicks on about 2 hours before I would normally run the RTV (after work).
I'd like to put one on the fuel tank but I'm afraid it'll melt the plastic fuel tank.


Everything starts at that temp -21 The RTV and diesel truck are in a garage, but not plugged in. The Kubota tractor is in a twinkie shelter but not plugged in. I will only plug it in 1 hour before I want to start it. -21 it not real cold if you have lived in it all your life. Its when you get -25 &30 with a 15 MPH wind that is bad.


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[quote user="TWO GUNS"]Dammit ~~~~ It does get chilly up there.... Wind blowing and it that cold, I would have to wear my beer goggles >>>>>[/quote]
Oh crap... that's an image I really didn't want. Those goggles, TWO GUNS, and a RTV. Jamie - you need some cold-weather fashion sense... Just messin' with 'ya.

[quote user="TWO GUNS"]Down here, the deer seems to only move when it's cold, that why I made that statement earlier >>>

Bet the deer never quits moving up there >>>[/quote]</p>

Actually, they do quit moving. Below about 10 degrees, they bed-down and don't move themselves...


I have been retire for 5 years now so I don't have to get moving quite so early anymore. I just plug the tractor in when I go out to put wood in the outdoor furance. If we have had snow overnight I shovel the walkways and by the time I am done its ready to go, and BTW we are supposed to get 4-8 inchs of snowtonight.


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Snow, heck, it's over 50 degrees here >>>> as we speak !!! Suppose to drop down 36 degrees tomorrow night >>>> but that will not last long ~~~

ez chair

In Maine also the mix at the pump is 50/50. I add my own additives on top of that. We plow snow 24/7 and I'm way to old to have my trucks gel up at 2 am in the morning. Two Guns, I though you Southern Boys were running Biofuel ? Don't you call it Corn squeezins?


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Biofuel, havn't seen it yet >>> it's down here somewhere >>>> but, MISTER, WE HAVE BEEN GROWNING CORN WHERE THERE HAS NEVER BEEN ANYTHING PLANTED BEFORE DOWN HERE IN THE SOUTH >>>> You should have seen the harvest last year down here, and there is going to be much more this year... Don't know where they are going to put all this corn that going to be harvested this year.... Harvest season last year , there was so much, couldn't get enough 18 wheelers with grain trailers down here to even haul it to the elevators ..... It was something !!!!</P>


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[quote user="TWO GUNS"]Don't know where they are going to put all this corn that going to be harvested this year...[/quote]
I'd appreciate it if it would go back into the cattle instead of my fuel tank....

ez chair

Be careful what you wish for BC. They will put it back in the cattle and when it comes out the other end they will put the methane in your tank!

ez chair

Just starting to see it. Less than 5% of market. Costs more per gallon. $.10-$.20.Haven't heard any complaints about usage, other than it doesn't like the cold.


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Thinking how the RTV's would like this so called bio-fuel , or will it " VOID THE WARRANY " also ?


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[quote user="TWO GUNS"]Thinking how the RTV's would like this so called bio-fuel , or will it " VOID THE WARRANY " also ?[/quote]
I'd have to dig but as I recall, Kubota has approved a 5% bio-fuel mixture.


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[quote user="ez chair"]Be careful what you wish for BC. They will put it back in the cattle and when it comes out the other end they will put the methane in your tank![/quote]
Works for me. At least it got used twice (so far).


I have used B20 which is 20% Bio Diesel in my powerstroke and my Duramax. Makes a huge difference in Noise in my Diesels,,Much quieter enginefor sure. I got some B80 last year is South texas and I swear you couldnt tell my Duramax was a diesel.They say there is Less BTU's in Bio than regular diesel,never noticed a difference in mpg though.</P>

The cleaning properties in Bio Dieselare very good also. I was always told when running Bio to cut my fuel filter change intervals in half fora couplechanges as the bio diesel cleans all the crude out of the fuel system. I never noticed any difference in power either. I have a 500gal tankand a few months ago the b20 went to about .25 a gal more than regular diesel so i quit using it. Thought oftrying some for the Kubota if the price ever goes down again.Seemed like all my diesel equipment ran better with the Bio.I am all for anything that supports america and not the Rag Heads, but in todays world of fuel prices Ihave to save every penny i can.!</P>
They tried running the Washington State Ferries on Bio-diesel and they had to stop because it was clogging the fuel filters and the cost of fuel filters was eating them.