my wife almost got arrested today. the other night my sons friend had a party twoguns knows them ( jim and sara) well the dogs started barking so i went outside to find my son drunk off his butt and passed out in the yard well we walked him inside my moms and put him in the bed. we found his wallet and bike keys in the yard and a few feet away was his cell phone. after we go inside the phone started ringing and everyone was asking if he was ok. they said something about his ex girlfriend was messing around with him bad.well my wife was trying to answer the calls and her finger hit the girls number by acident.she then called the girl to say she was sorry for waking her up and that was that "so we thought" me and the wife was taking a np because of all the stress we have been thing we know someone bangs on the door and by the time i got up to open it the cop was walking to the front .so i asked him what he needed and he asked f my wife trudy was home .i told him yes and he said tell her to get up front now with her i.d. when we got up front he wanted to take her in for calling this girl.the girl and her mom put a restaining order on my son for the 6th time .we didn't know that because she lives with my son at my moms house most of the time. now my wife is even more traumatized by this and dealing with the asult on my yougest son.the last few days i have been followed by unmarked police .as soon as i leave my house they start following me .one will follow for a few miles then he turns off and another takes his place.this is all because we are trying to press charges against the detention center for beating my son witch reall has no reason to be in there.the freakin cop tells my son that he will go to jail even if one of his friends calls the girl and not him i have to ask "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN THIS TOWN!!! we were warned that if we followed through with this civil suit that they would track us and find something to get us on and it seems to be comeing true. i sent a letter to the aclu and they said there is probably nuthing they will be able to help us with????? the only nice people that will treat you nice are the state troopers .i don't know what to do but i sure ain't gonna drop this not at all.i can't call our state represenative because he's involved too.i checked his facebook and he has just about every judge on his friends list.does anyone know a good civil suit lawyer in louisiana that is man enough to stand up to them??