freakin un believable


Well-known member
my wife almost got arrested today. the other night my sons friend had a party twoguns knows them ( jim and sara) well the dogs started barking so i went outside to find my son drunk off his butt and passed out in the yard well we walked him inside my moms and put him in the bed. we found his wallet and bike keys in the yard and a few feet away was his cell phone. after we go inside the phone started ringing and everyone was asking if he was ok. they said something about his ex girlfriend was messing around with him bad.well my wife was trying to answer the calls and her finger hit the girls number by acident.she then called the girl to say she was sorry for waking her up and that was that "so we thought" me and the wife was taking a np because of all the stress we have been thing we know someone bangs on the door and by the time i got up to open it the cop was walking to the front .so i asked him what he needed and he asked f my wife trudy was home .i told him yes and he said tell her to get up front now with her i.d. when we got up front he wanted to take her in for calling this girl.the girl and her mom put a restaining order on my son for the 6th time .we didn't know that because she lives with my son at my moms house most of the time. now my wife is even more traumatized by this and dealing with the asult on my yougest son.the last few days i have been followed by unmarked police .as soon as i leave my house they start following me .one will follow for a few miles then he turns off and another takes his place.this is all because we are trying to press charges against the detention center for beating my son witch reall has no reason to be in there.the freakin cop tells my son that he will go to jail even if one of his friends calls the girl and not him i have to ask "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN THIS TOWN!!! we were warned that if we followed through with this civil suit that they would track us and find something to get us on and it seems to be comeing true. i sent a letter to the aclu and they said there is probably nuthing they will be able to help us with????? the only nice people that will treat you nice are the state troopers .i don't know what to do but i sure ain't gonna drop this not at all.i can't call our state represenative because he's involved too.i checked his facebook and he has just about every judge on his friends list.does anyone know a good civil suit lawyer in louisiana that is man enough to stand up to them??
Please move thread to the family problems side. Nothing to do with UTVs. I'm sure no one wants involvement in personal issues.
....... take the Rhino, make 'em follow you into the swamps.

Tommy, Don't give up. They are going to try to pressure you in to giving up. DON'T ever give up.
You are strong.


  • smiling Frog.gif
    smiling Frog.gif
    84.1 KB · Views: 313
Please move thread to the family problems side. Nothing to do with UTVs. I'm sure no one wants involvement in personal issues.

Actually sir........folks are very much interested.......those folks that came to this site before it became nettractortalk discussed a variety of issues in the RTV section......

Funny, that none of the "old timers" brought this up in your issues about Corvettes and the bragging about YOURS in a thread awhile back..........NOT FOR YOU TO JUDGE.......

God bless......Dennis
Peanut, just be careful! I feel there should be some way to stop harassment by the local cops. Keep a log of when who is following you in what vehicle, the best ya can.

Agent Blue, get a life.
I, for one, don't care what "side" the thread is in..... when I log in I look under the "NEW POST" button to see what I have missed, and don't worry about which section it happens to fall under.
we was familly on the other forum and when we had problems we all talked about them wether it be loosing our favorite pet to haveing car troubles down to just plain old talking about aching bones. if i offended you please just put me on your ignore list and you won't ever see anything i post anymore. but look at it this way one day you just might need us and i'm sure we will be there for you too.
..... I agree with you tommy..... 110% my friend.

Those were some kind words, we are still here if you need us >>>>> your a good man.

............ jamie


  • fox relaxing.gif
    fox relaxing.gif
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AB, there's more to this than what's on the surface. Let's just say that everybody's doing the best they can given the cards dealt them and pulling their own weight weight, and more, in their personal life and society. No slackers here, trust me.
Tommy, I will see if Rusty Anvil can send your sister back for a while to play roadblocker for you. They don't want to tear up a cruiser trying to get around her!:whistling:
right now would be the best time to get her down here the last time we loaded her on a barge it got stuck on a sandbar .the barge was drawing 60' of draft with her on it.
right now would be the best time to get her down here the last time we loaded her on a barge it got stuck on a sandbar .the barge was drawing 60' of draft with her on it.

ha . Well, only problem I see is the water being so high and the bridges low- you might not get enough clearance to get her down this a way. bordercollie
thanks guys i know i don't have to explain myelf but here it goes and it might be long. my son was being raped by my next door neighbor for over 5 years til we found out .we went to the cops and they kinda messed up the interview taping of him and had to let the guy go.he still lives next door to us. now everytime my son was acting out in class they called the cops and had him arested.he was about to get out in a few weeks when one of the guards choked him til he passed out when he woke up the two gard was dragging hin back into the cell .now it seems like the whole parish is trying to cover it up.wewas told to contact our represenative who is damon baldon he took the case and sat on it for 5 months and did nuthing not so much as makeing a phone call.the story made the news .i called the local paper and they refuse to do a story on it i called the aclu and they refused.i called every lawyer around town and not one would touch the case saying it was a conflict of interest.the day of the attack they was bringing my son to a meeting now after five hours the marks was still on his neck .the guard that seen the marks was fired and also the attorny who took the case at baldones office was fired too. the lady he talked to at the meeting told my son she was gonna recoment that he be locked up for a longer period of time and told him he needs to stop useing that fact that he was raped as an excuse to act out????? so on his way back to the place they beat him up he excaped .the judge dropped all the charges on him except for the simple escape and they gave him another year .we tried to tell the court apointed lawyer what went on but as soon as we tried to he told us to shut up and had us escorted out of the room.. the other problems i have are 4 disc out in my neck 1 in my thorasic spine and one in my lumbar spine .somedays i have trouble walking but i try to keep going.i take way to many pain meds just to keep from sitting on the couch.i tried to apply at just about every store there is dollar general told me no because i was a liability issue. walmart told me the same thing when i applied for a job as a door i am left living off of ssi and credit cards are we making it no we ain't. i don't complain because i know there are people that have it worst than us not that we got it so good.when someone wants something i do my best to get it made and out to them as soon as possible and no i don't make alot off of it i do it to keep me going and to make a few dollars .i sell firewood scap copper/aluminum and whatever else i can do to pay the bills.i go to the dump at night and cut all the cords off the washers and dryers till i have enough to sell.i just ain't one to sit down and feel sorry for myself that will only bring me down more.
Geesh Peanut, sorry to hear all that. :( Keep on Keeping on man. You are exactly right that feeling sorry for ones self get you no where fast. It just makes it worse. Keep up the good attitude buddy.

Seems alot of folks have a heavy burden to carry through life, but it seems you have more than your share. Keep doing what is right. And, watch your back.
yea watch my back is right we got a cal from the child advocacy place the only lady that was helping us and as soon as she asked the probation officer about a certain question guess what???he pulled her off the case and she was let go.i then got a call from i think channel4 news and they don't wanna do anything .i called some guy in washington but all i got was his voice mail and he has yet to call me back too. my son was suppose to have a hearing on the 16th to see about getting released now they canceled it as of this morning . i even sent an email to michel moore to see if he could get a crowd down here to have a huge protest but he didn't answer yet.
I think whenever a public employee and especially police or politicians are involved in any kind of law bending or breaking, the news should spread. I feel we have a moral and civic duty that superceeds all the feel good things in our lives. If we let the police and government control us, how many toys and good times will we have. I always thought if a police officer or judge was found guilty of a crime, the sentence should be automatically doubled! Too often "public servants" try to be "public controllers" or "public users" and it gets difficult to get them to do their job in a proper manner. Tell the world any way you can when they screw up, it helps us all! Hang in there Peanut, hope things get better soon!